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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, July 23, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 523
Date: July 23, 2003

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Top Stories for Wednesday, July 23, 2003:

"Making It Illegal to Hire Abroad"
"Think Fast! New Supercomputers Race Toward Unimaginable Speeds"
"IT Gender Gap Under Study by Pair at RIT"
"Spotlight on SIGGRAPH 2003"
"Bring on the Telematics Revolution"
"Pentagon Wants to Make a New PAL"
"Power Sharing: Distributed Computing Moves Beyond the Search for ET"
"Controversy Surrounds Employees on L-1 Visas"
"Program to Create Next-Generation Computer Security Experts"
"Cheaper Optics-Chip Link on Tap"
"Wireless Raises the Final Standard"
"Middleware Could Help Link Real-Time Battle Data"
"New Privacy Laws Less Likely"
"Trends Point Toward New Internet Architecture"
"I/O Moves Into the Express Lane"
"I, Computer"
"A Chat Room Like No Other"
"Professor Gadget"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Making It Illegal to Hire Abroad"
State and federal lawmakers are considering legislation that
limits overseas outsourcing in response to more and more U.S.
companies shifting technology and service jobs to countries where
the labor pool is cheaper as well as larger.  The New Jersey ...

"Think Fast! New Supercomputers Race Toward Unimaginable Speeds"
Experts such as Oak Ridge National Laboratory researcher Jack
Dongarra note that supercomputing speeds are increasing at an
exponential rate:  The gigaOPS benchmark of a billion operations
per second that was the peak of supercomputing speed in 1985 is ...

"IT Gender Gap Under Study by Pair at RIT"
The National Science Foundation has awarded Rochester Institute
of Technology (RIT) assistant professors Elizabeth Lane Lawley
and Tona Henderson a grant of $323,000 to fund a two-year study
of the difficulties female undergraduates encounter in college IT ...

"Spotlight on SIGGRAPH 2003"
The latest creative and technical developments in computer
graphics and interactive technology will be on display at the
annual ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and
Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) conference July 27-31 at the ...

"Bring on the Telematics Revolution"
Spurred by major electronics makers, telematics technology is
expanding beyond fleet vehicles and luxury automobiles, and
broadening its applications to include more sophisticated
features in addition to location tracking.  IBM will introduce ...

"Pentagon Wants to Make a New PAL"
The Pentagon is investing $29 million in an effort to develop a
Perceptive Assistant that Learns (PAL)--software that, like a
real-life office assistant, can intuit the needs of the boss and
automatically perform tasks to meet those needs.  "The idea is to ...

"Power Sharing: Distributed Computing Moves Beyond the Search for ET"
Distributed or grid computing allows ordinary individuals to help
search for a cure to cancer or participate in socially or
scientifically significant projects by donating idle computer
power.  People support distributed computing initiatives out of a ...

"Controversy Surrounds Employees on L-1 Visas"
Critics claim that the L-1 visa program, which allows companies
to transfer foreign staff to the United States for the purposes
of consultation, cross-training, or management education, is
being exploited to essentially replace American workers with ...

"Program to Create Next-Generation Computer Security Experts"
Mississippi State University (MSU), an academic institution
certified by the National Security Agency as a Center of Academic
Excellence in Information Assurance Education, aims to build a
new generation of cybersecurity specialists for both the ...

"Cheaper Optics-Chip Link on Tap"
Speeding up Internet access requires an affordable technique to
broaden high-bandwidth fiber-optic lines to the home, but
fiber-optic connection costs are a formidable barrier.
Researchers from the Italian Institute for the Physics of Matter ...

"Wireless Raises the Final Standard"
An industry consortium working on ultrawideband (UWB) radio
specifications is finalizing a proposal that could dramatically
change the wireless networking landscape, writes Rupert Goodwins.
After the FCC approved UWB, with the caveat that devices emit ...

"Middleware Could Help Link Real-Time Battle Data"
The Object Management Group (OMG) has adopted a middleware
specification that proponents say will enable unprecedented
real-time communications between different battlefield systems.
The Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (DDS) ...

"New Privacy Laws Less Likely"
Congress is prioritizing spam legislation over online privacy
legislation, as evidenced by the list of privacy proposals that
are nowhere near approval and being criticized by privacy
proponents and the technology sector.  Sen. Diane Feinstein's ...

"Trends Point Toward New Internet Architecture"
The Burton Group says in its "Vision 2003" report that
developments in network security, Internet Protocol telephony,
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), mobile and wireless
networking, and virtual private networks (VPNs) are causing ...

"I/O Moves Into the Express Lane"
The standard expansion bus in most desktops is based on an
11-year-old technology that's due for replacement.  Peripheral
Component Interconnect (PCI) bus specification supports 1 Gbps
bandwidth speeds, which is more than enough for general PC ...

"I, Computer"
Imperial College emeritus professor Igor Aleksander projects that
machine consciousness research will yield insight on human
consciousness, and lead to a future where many machines will
claim to be self-aware.  Aleksander places machine consciousness ...

"A Chat Room Like No Other"
"There" is a virtual chatroom technology that allows
correspondents to relay their emotional states through electronic
avatars instead of relying on emoticons typical of current
text-based virtual communications systems.  There avatars use ...

"Professor Gadget"
Ted Selker of MIT's Media Lab has acquired a reputation as an
innovator whose prototypes and projects have received a great
deal of media exposure.  His breakthroughs include the
TrackPoint, a rubberized mouse button that has become a standard ...


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