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ACM TechNews - Friday, June 6, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 504
Date: June 6, 2003

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Top Stories for Friday, June 6, 2003:

"SCO Suit May Blunt the Potential of Linux"
"Mass. Could Be Fifth State to Adopt Anti-UCITA Law"
"Packet Tracking Promises Ultrafast Internet"
"Senator Wants Limits on Copy Protection"
"You Make It, You Take It: PC Law"
"What Internet2 Researchers Are Dreaming Up"
"Storage Methods Come and Go, But Tape Holds Its Own"
"Putting a Lid on Spam"
"Cybersecurity Report Card--Serious Improvements Needed"
"New Nanoscale Device Reveals Behavior of Individual Electrons"
"Group Drafts a Truce in Flaw Dispute"
"California Law Raises Bar For Data Security"
"IT Boom Reverses Brain Drain"
"India Fears Impact of Bid to Curb Jobs Exports"
"Taking Technology to Extremes"
"World's Smallest Robot"
"Adolescent Angst"
"Battle-Tested Tech"
"The Post-OOP Paradigm"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"SCO Suit May Blunt the Potential of Linux"
SCO Group's insistence that Linux contains proprietary Unix code
owned by the company has dampened corporate enthusiasm for the
free Linux operating system while angering thousands of
open-source programmers.  Gartner recently warned firms to limit ...

"Mass. Could Be Fifth State to Adopt Anti-UCITA Law"
Massachusetts may join Iowa, North Carolina, Vermont, and West
Virginia in the adoption of "bomb-shelter" legislation designed
to shield citizens and businesses from the Uniform Computer
Information Transaction Act (UCITA).  A hearing on the anti-UCITA ...

"Packet Tracking Promises Ultrafast Internet"
Fast TCP from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is
a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) refinement designed to
dramatically speed up the sending and receiving of data over the
Internet without having to install new equipment on recipient ...

"Senator Wants Limits on Copy Protection"
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Ky.) has written a bill that aims to
regulate digital rights management (DRM) systems, effectively
limiting how copyright owners can control the distribution of
digital content through copy-protection technology.  "The ...

"You Make It, You Take It: PC Law"
A bill authored by state Sen. Byron Sher (D-Calif.) and approved
by the California Senate on June 4 would require electronics
producers to formulate and fund a system for collecting,
transporting, and recycling unwanted computers and monitors, and ...

"What Internet2 Researchers Are Dreaming Up"
Internet2 (I2) researchers are experimenting with technologies
that could radically enhance the network and open up a plethora
of new applications.  I2, which is supported by a nonprofit
consortium of universities and corporate research and development ...

"Storage Methods Come and Go, But Tape Holds Its Own"
Many storage experts predict that tape has a long and healthy
life ahead of it, despite advances in hard disk drives, DVDs, and
holography.  One of tape's advantages over these alternate media
is its storage space, thanks to the material's extreme thinness ...

"Putting a Lid on Spam"
Thirty-three U.S. states have enacted anti-spam legislation, but
Utah's stands out for the amount of litigation it has spurred.  
The Utah statute classifies spam as any commercial email sent to
people with no prior business relationship with the sender, and ...

"Cybersecurity Report Card--Serious Improvements Needed"
Dan Farber has furnished a report card gauging the progress made
by the various parties working either for or against
cybersecurity over the last year, and hackers received an "A-"
thanks to their growing capability to thwart detection, the ease ...

"New Nanoscale Device Reveals Behavior of Individual Electrons"
A new nanoscale device developed at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison allows researchers to observe the behavior of
electrons in detail not possible before.  Just 100 nanometers
wide, the device is a thin membrane stretched over a ...

"Group Drafts a Truce in Flaw Dispute"
The Organization for Internet Safety (OIS) issued a draft of bug
disclosure guidelines on Wednesday in the hope of settling a
dispute between software companies and security researchers over
the best time and methods for publishing software vulnerability ...

"California Law Raises Bar For Data Security"
A California law requiring U.S. firms to notify Californians in
writing if their personal data has been compromised or corrupted
as a result of database intrusions will go into effect on July 1.
"It's a law that on its face purports to cover those outside ...

"IT Boom Reverses Brain Drain"
As a result of the weakening U.S. IT sector, many Russian
programmers and engineers are returning to their native country
to seek jobs.  Experts say 10 percent of high tech job seekers in
Russia are recently retuned from aboard, including those who held ...

"India Fears Impact of Bid to Curb Jobs Exports"
India is apprehensive about recent efforts by U.S. trade groups
and legislators to stem overseas IT outsourcing as IT sector
unemployment rises in the United States.  More than 472,000 IT
jobs will be relocated to foreign countries by 2015, according to ...

"Taking Technology to Extremes"
Using a combination of off-the-shelf products and customized
solutions, adventurers to the world's most remote places are
using technology to keep connected.  Smaller and lighter,
technology today is becoming vital to exploration because it does ...

"World's Smallest Robot"
Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories' Intelligent Systems
and Robotics Center say they have developed the smallest
untethered robot ever.  Standing 1cm high, the robot features
tank-like tread wheels that propel the robot at a speed of just ...

"Adolescent Angst"
An InformationWeek Research poll of 274 business-technology
executives who have been using the open-source Linux operating
system for 12 months finds that the number of respondents who are
extremely satisfied with the OS has fallen over the past year ...

"Battle-Tested Tech"
Advanced commercial IT for enterprises is being put through its
paces in the military; recent conflicts in the Middle East were a
testbed for various technologies that emphasized a reversal of
the technology development cycle, which traditionally moved from ...

"The Post-OOP Paradigm"
Computer programming's sophistication has evolved from binary
notation to assembly languages to structured programming to
object-oriented programming (OOP), which has been the reigning
programming paradigm for about 20 years.  The wide adoption of ...


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