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ACM TechNews - Monday, June 2, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 502
Date: June 2, 2003

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Top Stories for Monday, June 2, 2003:

"In Computing, Weighing Sheer Power Against Vast Pools of Data"
"The Gray Area Around Green PCs"
"North Korea's School for Hackers"
"Do PDAs Pose a Security Risk?"
"Mimicry Makes Computers the User's Friend"
"A Little Less Conversation"
"File-Sharing Program Slips Out of AOL Offices"
"Visualizing the Future of Face Recognition"
"Transparent TVs From Invisible Circuits"
"Grim Outlook for Grads"
"Asia Running Out of IP-Address Room"
"Flexible Display Slims Down"
"Domo Arigato, Linux Roboto"
"The Third Era Starts Here"
"Canning Cyber Spam Won't Be Easy"
"Ethernet's Power Play"
"The Race for the Messaging Cup"
"A Wider Field of View"
"The Future of Personal Computing"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"In Computing, Weighing Sheer Power Against Vast Pools of Data"
Microsoft Bay Area Research Center scientists Gordon Bell and Jim
Gray argued at a May meeting of the National Research Council's
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board that the federal
government should fund the construction of massive data-storage ...

"The Gray Area Around Green PCs"
Although some electronics manufacturers appear to be making a
greater effort to design more environmentally-friendly products,
environmentalists criticize the industry for merely paying lip
service to such issues.  "As much as these companies want to ...

"North Korea's School for Hackers"
South Korean intelligence officials have claimed for nearly a
decade that the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea
(DPRK) is training people in the arts of hacking, virus-writing,
and other forms of cyberwar at the so-called Automated Warfare ...

"Do PDAs Pose a Security Risk?"
Experts concur that computer viruses written for personal digital
assistants (PDAs) hardly constitute a threat for the moment, but
Symantec's Laura Garcia-Manrique has no doubt that such malware
will emerge within a few years as handheld deployments reach ...

"Mimicry Makes Computers the User's Friend"
Noriko Suzuki, a researcher at ATR Media Information Science
Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, believes computers and robots can
become more user friendly if they imitate how people speak.  He
tested this theory by asking volunteers to help a computerized ...

"A Little Less Conversation"
Technology analyst Bill Thompson does not think social software
will induce any radical societal changes over the next year and a
half, and thinks that people should arm themselves against its
overhyped promises.  However, he argues that the issue of social ...

"File-Sharing Program Slips Out of AOL Offices"
Nullsoft, the renegade software development firm bought by AOL in
1999, has released an encrypted file-sharing application called
Waste that allows groups of about 50 people to swap files
undetected by outside groups.  The application is designed to ...

"Visualizing the Future of Face Recognition"
Dr. Christoph von der Malsburg of the University of Southern
California says that facial recognition technology has made
machines "as good as people" in their ability to identify faces
based on photographic comparison; this means that computers are ...

"Transparent TVs From Invisible Circuits"
Oregon State University electrical engineer John Wager says the
laptop industry and other flat-panel display markets could
receive a serious boost with the advent of transparent circuitry
composed of invisible transistors, and reported that Japanese ...

"Grim Outlook for Grads"
The job forecast for new college graduates is particularly gloomy
for IT majors.  The National Association of Colleges and
Employers says computer science degree holders will be offered
mean salaries almost 8 percent lower than those offered last ...

"Asia Running Out of IP-Address Room"
Asia's pool of available Internet addresses is shrinking to a
point where the region may run out of IPv4 room soon, especially
because under the region's original allocation, Asian countries
were assigned less IPv4 space than most countries elsewhere.   ...

"Flexible Display Slims Down"
E Ink engineer Yu Chen reports that company researchers have
created a prototype 0.3-millimeter-thick electronic display that
can be rolled into a 4-millimeter cylinder while maintaining 96
dots per inch resolution.  The display consists of a ...

"Domo Arigato, Linux Roboto"
The Linux open-source operating system is penetrating the
robotics arena, partly spurred by Intel's effort to develop
standardized hardware and software for researchers and
manufacturers that marries Linux 2.4.19 and open-source drivers ...

"The Third Era Starts Here"
The programmable Web is gaining currency as major IT vendors
agree on Web services standards.  At the same time, a much less
structured Web services effort is going on in the developer
community, where individual programmers are using free ...

"Canning Cyber Spam Won't Be Easy"
In an effort to clamp down on Internet spam, or unsolicited
emails, the Federal Trade Commission has taken several steps such
as its fourth state-assisted Netforce sweep targeting online
scams.  The FTC currently receives about 130,000 spam messages ...

"Ethernet's Power Play"
The IEEE task force on Power Over Ethernet (POE) technology has
released a draft standard supporting what analysts say will become
the first international power standard ever.  Besides the potential to
eliminate portable conversion devices for power outlets, POE also ...

"The Race for the Messaging Cup"
Session Initiation Protocol for Instant Messaging and Presence
Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE) and eXtensible Messaging and
Presence Protocol (XMPP) are competing to emerge as the standard
for enterprise messaging.  Microsoft, IBM, Novell, and Sun ...

"A Wider Field of View"
The Sensors Expo 2003 show in early June will showcase offerings
from 128 companies and demonstrate the full range of sensor
technologies.  Products on display will include a line of low-g
accelerometers from Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector that ...

"The Future of Personal Computing"
Kirk Kirksey forecasts that the personal computer will eventually
evolve into a robust, wireless machine about as thin as a sheet
of paper, driven by floating molecular processors linked together
by transparent, conductive plasma and powered by kinetic energy. ...


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