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ACM TechNews - Friday, May 30, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 501
Date: May 30, 2003

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Top Stories for Friday, May 30, 2003:

"Special Visa's Use for Tech Workers Is Challenged"
"Search-Rescue Robots Test Their Mettle in Tournaments"
"Making It on Their Merits"
"PGP Encryption Proves Powerful"
"Enlisting the Young as White-Hat Hackers"
"File Swapping Shifts Up a Gear"
"Innovation on Hold"
"Falling Off of the Cutting Edge"
"Study: CIA Behind the Times in IT"
"Blazing the Trail for Tech"
"Disease-Causing Proteins May Create Nanotech Circuits"
"Working Remotely, Robots in Place"
"Simulated Evolution Gets Complex"
"Can ICANN Meet the Needs of "Less Developed" Countries?"
"Putting IT on the Map"
"Trends in the Evolution of the Public Web: 1998-2002"
"Never Too Thin"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Special Visa's Use for Tech Workers Is Challenged"
With IT employment numbers weak, U.S. technology workers are
upset over the use of L-1 visas, which allow companies to
transfer foreign employees to U.S. offices.  Far fewer foreign
workers are being issued H-1B visas and Congress will likely let ...

"Search-Rescue Robots Test Their Mettle in Tournaments"
As former chief of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's
Tactical Mobile Robotics program, John G. Blitch, dissatisfied
with the performance of robots at the site of the 1995 Oklahoma
City bombing, made it a federal priority to see if more versatile ...

"Making It on Their Merits"
The U.S. high-tech sector is still predominantly male, but women
have made significant progress in attaining prominence in tech
companies thanks to a merit-driven corporate culture fostered by
Silicon Valley.  Up-and-coming women are filling the executive ...

"PGP Encryption Proves Powerful"
In March, Italian authorities captured several Psion PDAs from
terrorists in a shoot-out, but have been unable to glean valuable
information from the devices because of the powerful encryption
used to mask the data.  The PDAs, seized from the Red Brigades ...

"Enlisting the Young as White-Hat Hackers"
Tiger Team, a free after-school class that teaches ethical
hacking to teenagers, is the pilot program of Andrew Robinson's
nonprofit Internet Security Foundation.  Tiger Team students are
arranged into opposing groups that attempt to hack into each ...

"File Swapping Shifts Up a Gear"
Popular file-swapping tools such as Sharman Networks' Kazaa and
Streamcast Networks' Morpheus are finding competition in
next-generation products such as BitTorrent and eDonkey, which
aim to boost efficiency and transfer speed for movies and other ...

"Innovation on Hold"
The rollout of promising technologies is being impeded by a
sluggish economy, which could cause employee productivity to
stagnate and lead to the demise of promising technologies.  
Business spending on IT in 2003 is likely to remain the same or ...

"Falling Off of the Cutting Edge"
Information technology is no longer a strategic advantage for
businesses, wrote Harvard Business Review Editor at Large
Nicholas Carr recently.  His thesis elicited an excited response
from people in the IT sector, but the main premise also has ...

"Study: CIA Behind the Times in IT"
An unclassified report furnished by Bruce Berkowitz of the CIA's
Sherman Kent Center for Intelligence Analysis finds that the
CIA's reliance on outdated technology has put Directorate of
Intelligence (DI) analysts about five years behind their ...

"Blazing the Trail for Tech"
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
has pursued new technology frontiers since its establishment 
in 1958 as a response to the Soviet Sputnik launch.  Today, 
the group funds academic and corporate research projects  ...

"Disease-Causing Proteins May Create Nanotech Circuits"
Researchers from the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
and the University of Chicago have demonstrated that prions, the
distorted proteins responsible for Alzheimer's and other
neurodegenerative diseases, could be used to help build nanoscale ...

"Working Remotely, Robots in Place"
Hewlett-Packard researchers have built with available technology
a prototype robot designed to act as a surrogate for people who
cannot physically attend meetings.  "You control [the machine]
the same way you would your car, only remotely," explains HP ...

"Simulated Evolution Gets Complex"
Michigan State University researchers have employed
self-replicating digital organisms to simulate evolution and
validate Charles Darwin's theory that complex functions can
evolve from small mutations over thousands of generations, a ...

"Can ICANN Meet the Needs of "Less Developed" Countries?"
ICANN has come under criticism for not actively encouraging
representatives of less developed countries to participate in
ICANN's development of global domain name and Internet policy.  
"ICANN, through its actions and inactions, has succeeded in ...

"Putting IT on the Map"
The increasing refinement and affordability of geographic
information systems (GIS) is driving the technology's penetration
into the business and government sectors.  Roto-Rooter employs
Gearworks' eTrace to better manage its mobile workforce; ...

"Trends in the Evolution of the Public Web: 1998-2002"
Analyzing major trends in the public Web's development over the
last five years not only provides insight on the current state of
affairs, but also helps anticipate future progress.  The most
recent survey conducted by the OCLC Office of Research Web ...

"Never Too Thin"
Flat panel displays are gaining ground thanks to improved image
quality and falling prices, coupled with already established
advantages such as low power consumption and small size.  
Although liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are the flat panel ...


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