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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, May 28, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 500
Date: May 28, 2003

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Top Stories for Wednesday, May 28, 2003:

"American Spam Is Flooding Europe"
"College Plans Virus-Writing Course"
"Legal Threat Rocks Linux"
"From PlayStation to Supercomputer for $50,000"
"U.S. Launches Drive to Regain Top Spot in Supercomputing"
"Big Changes for Search Engines"
"Antispam Law Likely"
"Group Moves to Boost Women in IT"
"Fretting Over U.S. Data Collection"
"Testing With the Mess of Reality"
"Companies Pare Down UWB Proposals"
"Guess Who's Smarter."
"Q&A With Dan Reed"
"MIT Gives Peek at Future Tech"
"How to Unclog the Information Artery"
"Predictions for Software Development and Web Services"
"Going For the Wireless Gold"
"The Wi-Fi Revolution"
"Building a Standard"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"American Spam Is Flooding Europe"
Experts claim that most of the unsolicited commercial email
swamping European ISPs originates in the United States, and
partially blame disparate enforcement policies and lenient
penalties for spam's proliferation.  Anti-spam enforcement is the ...

"College Plans Virus-Writing Course"
Canada's University of Calgary is courting controversy by
offering fourth-year students a course in which they will write
and test computer viruses, starting in Fall 2003.  Calgary's Ken
Barker says such a class is a valuable tool for gaining insight ...

"Legal Threat Rocks Linux"
SCO Group sent a letter to Fortune 1,000 companies and 500 other
global enterprises on May 12, warning them that they could be
subject to legal action for using the Linux open-source operating
system, which allegedly incorporates copyrighted software ...

"From PlayStation to Supercomputer for $50,000"
A supercomputer that may be able to perform a half-trillion
operations per second has been built out of 70 Sony PlayStation 2
consoles for around $50,000 by researchers at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's National Center for Supercomputing ...

"U.S. Launches Drive to Regain Top Spot in Supercomputing"
Spurred by Japan's Earth Simulator stealing the fastest
supercomputer crown from the United States last year, President
Bush has established the High-End Computing Revitalization
Taskforce to put the country back on top.  A lagging American ...

"Big Changes for Search Engines"
Near-future search engines will be intelligent, quick, and
tailored to the requirements of individual users, if papers
presented at the 12th International World Wide Web Conference in
Budapest are any indication.  This transformation will be spurred ...

"Antispam Law Likely"
A slew of antispam bills are currently before Congress, and some
form of antispam legislation is expected to pass this year, but
eight antispam and consumer groups have sent a letter to four
congressional committees arguing that the bills under ...

"Group Moves to Boost Women in IT"
The Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) is attempting
to interest high-school girls in IT and reform the field's
stereotypical geeky image through a new "ambassador" program that
strives to provide young women with role models they can look up ...

"Fretting Over U.S. Data Collection"
The Pentagon issued a report last week detailing its Terrorist
Information Awareness (TIA) program, in which numerous databases
about citizens' personal transactions would be mined to find
indications of terrorist activity.  The point of the report was ...

"Testing With the Mess of Reality"
Duke University assistant professor of computer science Amin M.
Vahdat is nearly ready to release the source code for an Internet
software testing framework called ModelNet.  The system allows
users to simulate realistic Internet conditions and see if their ...

"Companies Pare Down UWB Proposals"
Twenty-three proposals for a new ultrawideband (UWB) standard
were submitted at a March meeting of the IEEE, the majority of
which favored a multiband-based model in which UWB's 7.5 GHz
spectrum apportionment would be split into smaller bands of  ...

"Guess Who's Smarter."
Artificial intelligence is producing tangible benefits in
specific applications, but the technology is still far away from
computers that understand the world as well as a human
three-year-old, according to MIT graduate student Push Singh.  He ...

"Q&A With Dan Reed"
Dan Reed of the University of Illinois at Champaign's National
Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) says the center's
mission to devise enabling technologies for the science and
engineering sectors is being extended to the arts arena.  For ...

"MIT Gives Peek at Future Tech"
MIT alumni, faculty, and students celebrated the centennial of
the institute's Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
department on May 16, where speakers addressed the need to keep
pace with technological changes and cited the academy's progress ...

"How to Unclog the Information Artery"
The growing headache of spam has prompted proposals to rigorously
control it, some of which aim to be effective without repressing
the libertarian spirit of the Internet.  Hans Peter Brondmo of
Digital Impact advocates Project Lumos, which requires mass ...

"Predictions for Software Development and Web Services"
Experts are making diverse forecasts about what trends in Web
services and software development will emerge over the next five
to 10 years.  John Radko of Global Exchange Services predicts
that corporate budgets for internal and external IT will equalize ...

"Going For the Wireless Gold"
Chip manufacturers plan to capture a piece of the projected
market for cellular handsets that communicate over high-speed
wireless networks through the development of powerful yet energy
efficient processors.  Such chips are expected to support devices ...

"The Wi-Fi Revolution"
At the vanguard of the open spectrum movement is wireless
fidelity (Wi-Fi), a cheap, powerful, and viable way to access
broadband Internet that has emerged as one of the most rapidly
expanding electronics technologies of all time.  Wi-Fi, which is ...

"Building a Standard"
Section 508 mandates that federal agencies purchase enablement
technologies for the disabled, and since its passage almost two
years ago over a dozen U.S. states have adapted Section 508 to
their policies.  Industry leaders and accessibility proponents ...


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