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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, May 7, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 492
Date: May 7, 2003

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Top Stories for Wednesday, May 7, 2003:

"U.S.-Singapore Trade Pact Echoes DMCA"
"Tech Hiring to Remain Stagnant, Studies Say"
"Data Mining Proponents Defend Technology"
"Study: Working Women Face Technology Gender Gap"
"Program Lets P2P Users Roam Free"
"Chips Could Crunch at Light Speed"
"UMBC Event Encourages Girls to Excel in Science"
"Eyes on the Spies"
"Will Nanotech Save the World, or Destroy It? Experts Can't Say"
"Why Free Software Is God's Gift to India"
"A New Technology, Now That New Is Old"
"Linux Desktop Myths Exploded"
"Offshore Coding Work Raises Security Concerns"
"Radio ID Chips to Come With Kill Switch"
"Social Software"
"Minding Your Business"
"The Minister of Net Defense"
"Patents Go Global"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"U.S.-Singapore Trade Pact Echoes DMCA"
The U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (FTA)--the first such
agreement between the United States and an Asian nation--carries
provisions similar to the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act
(DMCA), in that they ban the unauthorized circumvention of ...

"Tech Hiring to Remain Stagnant, Studies Say"
Hiring managers polled by the Information Technology Association
of America (ITAA) announced that they expect to swell their
workforce by less than 500,000 this year, compared to the 1.1
million new jobs they planned to create last year, according to a ...

"Data Mining Proponents Defend Technology"
Federal agency heads reported to Congress on new data mining
systems that critics say will unnecessarily sacrifice personal
privacy.  In hearings before the House subcommittee on technology
and information policy, Transportation Security Administration ...

"Study: Working Women Face Technology Gender Gap"
A technology gender gap is barring women from competing for
high-paying positions, especially those that carry
family-friendly benefits such as flexible schedules,
telecommuting, and job sharing, according to a  report the ...

"Program Lets P2P Users Roam Free"
Peer-to-peer file traders now have a new weapon to defend
themselves against music labels trying to spy and crack down on
their activities:  PeerGuardian, a free software application that
gives traders a personal firewall that blocks the IP addresses of ...

"Chips Could Crunch at Light Speed"
IBM nanotechnology research shows carbon nanotubes can emit light
in addition to conducting electricity.  The discovery promises
more powerful computer chips and communications equipment.  IBM
manager of nanometer-scale science Phaedron Avouris says the ...

"UMBC Event Encourages Girls to Excel in Science"
The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMBC) yesterday hosted
Computer Mania Day, an event intended to demonstrate how
entertaining computer science can be for girls, as well as
address the low enrollment of girls in IT studies.  Former ...

"Eyes on the Spies"
U.S. sites vulnerable to terrorist attacks number in the hundreds
of thousands, and protecting them all from spies or saboteurs
would require a new security force.  U.S. HomeGuard, conceived by
Walker Digital's Jay Walker, founder of Priceline, is designed to ...

"Will Nanotech Save the World, or Destroy It? Experts Can't Say"
Nanotechnology has moved from the realm of science fiction toward
industrial feasibility over the past 20 years, but while
investors eagerly inject venture capital into the research and
development of nanotech products, scientists such as Foresight ...

"Why Free Software Is God's Gift to India"
In his address at GNUnify 2003, IndLinux co-founder Venkatesh
Hariharan declared that India's adoption of free software, in the
form of the GNU/Linux operating system, will open up new
opportunities for cultural, political, and economic freedom.  He ...

"A New Technology, Now That New Is Old"
Irving Wladawsky-Berger of IBM contends that the tech industry
has entered "the post-technology era" in which the focus has
shifted from the technology itself to what people and businesses
can do with that technology; paralleling this trend is a transfer ...

"Linux Desktop Myths Exploded"
Linux on the desktop offers companies some advantages depending
on the particular business situation, but a recent Gartner study
debunks many of the myths about Linux benefits.  Gartner analyst
Michael Silver says he is not against the open-source operating ...

"Offshore Coding Work Raises Security Concerns"
IT professionals attending last week's Techno-Security Conference
expressed concerned about the security risks of U.S. companies
outsourcing software development and other essential IT services
to countries where labor is cheaper.  Attendees were especially ...

"Radio ID Chips to Come With Kill Switch"
Philips Semiconductor, Matrics, Alien Technology, and other
manufacturers are expected to debut radio frequency
identification (RFID) tags outfitted with kill switches this
summer, according to an announcement from the Auto ID Center last ...

"Social Software"
Social software is likely to be the basis of the next great IT
innovation; in the realm of social software, the interaction is
not between humans and computers but between the group and the
computer.  This poses three distinct problems, and a software ...

"Minding Your Business"
Researchers such as Queen's University's Roel Vertegaal are
developing hardware and software designed to mitigate information
overload without restricting users' access to data; Microsoft
Research's Eric Horvitz expects these projects to yield digital ...

"The Minister of Net Defense"
Howard Schmidt, only the second person to have held the post of
White House cybersecurity chief, recently talked about
cybersecurity measures in an interview with Wired Magazine.  He
said that a major cyber attack is likely to be highly planned ...

"Patents Go Global"
There are 120 national patent systems worldwide, each with its
own criteria, translation requirements, and filing fees, and
failing to satisfy most or all of them could endanger a patent's
eligibility.  Such a task can be prohibitively expensive for ...


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