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ACM TechNews - Friday, February 7, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 455
Date: February 7, 2003

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Top Stories for Friday, February 7, 2003:

"Bush Orders Guidelines for Cyber-Warfare"
"NSF Panel Recommends $1B Annually For Cyberinfrastructure"
"Cascading Failures Could Crash the Global Internet"
"Bush Data-Mining Plan in Hot Seat"
"What Are the Chances?"
"Bush Database Plan Raises Privacy Concerns"
"Spam Deluge Leads to Search for Silver Bullet"
"Computers Driving Shuttle Are to Be Included in Inquiry"
"'Slammer' Attacks May Become Way of Life for Net"
"The Theory and Practice of the Internet"
"Quantum Computers Go Digital"
"Pervasive Computing: You Are What You Compute"
"New Chapter in Success Story"
"Hollywood and Silicon Valley: Together at Last?"
"Workin' on the Brain Gang"
"House and Senate Committees Unveil High-Tech Priorities"
"Chaos, Inc."
"Transforming IT"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Bush Orders Guidelines for Cyber-Warfare"
Bush administration officials say the president has signed a
secret order to outline a strategy for a cyber-strike on the
computer networks' of America's foes.  When asked whether such a
strategy would be employed if military action in Iraq moves ...

"NSF Panel Recommends $1B Annually For Cyberinfrastructure"
A report from the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Blue Ribbon
Advisory Panel on Cyberinfrastructure recommends that the
organization spend $1 billion a year on cyberinfrastructure
development so that it can take advantage of a ...

"Cascading Failures Could Crash the Global Internet"
Arizona State University scientists Adilson Motter and Ying-Cheng
Lai report that the global Internet could be brought down by
hackers who target specific network nodes, triggering a cascade
of overload failures.  Although the Internet is composed of ...

"Bush Data-Mining Plan in Hot Seat"
The Total Information Awareness (TIA) project, which would use
data-mining technology to search public and private databases as
well as the Internet for signs of terrorist activities, has
spurred grass-roots organizations to mobilize and call for more ...

"What Are the Chances?"
Evaluating the risk of "low-probability, high-consequence
events"--natural disasters, nuclear accidents, and spacecraft
catastrophes, for example--lies at the core of probabilistic risk
assessment, which is used by mathematicians, engineers, insurance ...

"Bush Database Plan Raises Privacy Concerns"
President Bush's proposal for a Terrorist Threat Integration
Center designed to mine federal databases for terrorists and
terrorist activity is already drawing criticism from privacy
advocates and could also run into trouble with Congress.  The ...

"Spam Deluge Leads to Search for Silver Bullet"
Spurred by dire warnings that spam will soon overwhelm legitimate
email, experts are considering a number of solutions, ranging
from legislation to existing filtering tools to a "silver bullet"
that can effectively demolish spammers' business model.  Some ...

"Computers Driving Shuttle Are to Be Included in Inquiry"
The on-board computers were driving the Columbia space shuttle
when it descended into the earth's atmosphere Saturday, Feb. 1,
and ordered the ship to steer right slightly in compensation for
drag registered on the left side.  The shuttle's computer are ...

"'Slammer' Attacks May Become Way of Life for Net"
The SQL Slammer worm that infected corporate servers at an
unprecedented rate last month was able to severely affect
customer-facing systems such as such as ATMs and email, something
that few other viruses or worms have been able to do.  Computer ...

"The Theory and Practice of the Internet"
The overwhelming volume of data stemming from the history of the
rapidly evolving commercial Internet has people clamoring for a
simple theory that will help them cope and function better in the
Web environment, writes Michael Rogers.  Although such a theory ...

"Quantum Computers Go Digital"
In an attempt to build a solid-state quantum computer,
researchers at the University of Wisconsin at Madison have
devised a method for reducing the number of errors produced when
computing with qubits, or quantum bits.  Traditional digital ...

"Pervasive Computing: You Are What You Compute"
Panelists at the recent Cyberposium 2003 focused on pervasive
computing, and took the opportunity to note their respective
companies and institutions' advances in that area.  Stephen
Intille of MIT commented that researchers there are investigating ...

"New Chapter in Success Story"
India's IT market is soaring due to weak markets in mature
economies, such as in the United States, which is driving
software programming and mundane business processing overseas.
Indian firms deliver quality code, such as at Infosys, where ...

"Hollywood and Silicon Valley: Together at Last?"
Representatives from the music and technology industries agreed
to reject government legislation on the use of copyright
protection measures and devise their own solutions to curb
digital copyright infringement, according to a recent accord ...

"Workin' on the Brain Gang"
The majority of Canada's IT employees work less than 40 hours per
week, and only 10 percent work overtime, according to a report
authorized by Human Resources Development Canada and the Software
Human Resource Council.  Such findings contradict the popular ...

"House and Senate Committees Unveil High-Tech Priorities"
In both the U.S. House and Senate this year, congressional
committees will push for a variety of initiatives in technology
and telecommunications.  Ken Johnson, the majority spokesman for
the House Energy and Commerce Committee, says the committee will ...

"Chaos, Inc."
Agent-based computer simulations based on complexity science are
being used by companies to improve their bottom lines.
Complexity science promotes the theory that all complex systems
have common characteristics:  They are massively parallel, ...

"Transforming IT"
IT is essential to business productivity, yet many corporate IT
departments have not properly deployed the processes and metrics
needed to optimize their IT efforts.  To change this, some
enterprising CIOs are following a three-year, seven-step ...


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