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ACM TechNews - Friday, January 31, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 452
Date: January 31, 2003

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Top Stories for Friday, January 31, 2003:

"Consortium Pushes for Cybersecurity R&D"
"In Net Attacks, Defining the Right to Know"
"Bush Proposes Antiterror Database Plan"
"A Big Test for Linux"
"Dispute Could Silence VoiceXML"
"Total Information Awareness: Down, But Not Out"
"The Lord of the Webs"
"Project Seeks to Balance Power, Performance in Embedded Computers"
"Standard May Boost Chip Bandwidth"
"The Apache of the Future"
"Security Clearinghouse Under the Gun"
"Uniting with Only a Few Random Links"
"Red Light, Green Light: A 2-Tone L.E.D. to Simplify Screens"
"IEEE 802.16 Spec Could Disrupt Wireless Landscape"
"Why Voice over IP Is on Hold"
"No Hiding Place"
"Intelligent Storage"
"Recycling Tax Plan for PCs Due for Debate"
"Building the Nanofuture with Carbon Tubes"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Consortium Pushes for Cybersecurity R&D"
The Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P), a
consortium of 23 security research institutions funded by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, released a report
Thursday in which it recommended that the U.S. government and ...

"In Net Attacks, Defining the Right to Know"
Last weekend's Slammer worm attack and the network slowdowns its
caused rekindled a number of controversial issues among security
experts, most notably the responsibility of companies to publicly
disclose hacker intrusions to consumers.  Few security breaches ...

"Bush Proposes Antiterror Database Plan"
In the latest move by the White House to boost data-sharing
between U.S. police and spy agencies, President Bush used
Tuesday's State of the Union Address to announce the Terrorist
Threat Integration Center (TTIC), a government database that ...

"A Big Test for Linux"
SCO Group's Jan. 22 announcement that it will create a licensing
division and recruit lawyer David Boies to investigate and
protect its intellectual property has stirred up worry within the
Linux and open-source communities.  At stake are SCO-owned Unix ...

"Dispute Could Silence VoiceXML"
The VoiceXML 2.0 specification is nearly ready, as evidenced by
the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) candidate recommendation
issued on Wednesday.  However, the standard's implementation
could be hindered because of an intellectual property dispute. ...

"Total Information Awareness: Down, But Not Out"
The development of the Total Information Awareness (TIA) system
may have hit a snag with the Senate's unanimous decision that the
Defense Department conduct a cost-benefit analysis in order to
study the project's potential impact on Americans' privacy and ...

"The Lord of the Webs"
World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee has been working on a new
schema for the Internet called the Semantic Web for the past four
years.  As head of the World Wide Web Consortium based at MIT, he
coordinates scientific research and standards-setting for the ...

"Project Seeks to Balance Power, Performance in Embedded Computers"
Virginia Tech computer and engineering professor Sandeep Shukla
intends to develop strategies for optimizing performance and
power usage in embedded computers.  He says embedded computers
already are pervasive in our everyday lives and that they will ...

"Standard May Boost Chip Bandwidth"
The HyperTransport 2.0 specification, which will be incorporated
into Advanced Micro Devices' (AMD) upcoming Opteron and Athlon 64
processors, is expected to be released by the HyperTransport
Consortium in late 2003 or early 2004, according to consortium ...

"The Apache of the Future"
Groups using the Apache Web Server to run their Web sites are
unlikely to move quickly toward the new 2.0 version because the
1.3 version works fine and has more robust module support.  Dirk
Elmendorf of Rackspace Managed Hosting says version 1.3 has all ...

"Security Clearinghouse Under the Gun"
NGS Software managing director David Litchfield fired off an
email this week sharply criticizing Carnegie Mellon's Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT) Coordination Center for what he
terms "a betrayal of trust" in its disclosure of security ...

"Uniting with Only a Few Random Links"
Gyorgy Korniss of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is conducting
research that could yield significantly improved
parallel-computing simulation methods by employing "small-world"
networking.  Scientists often use large-scale computer networks ...

"Red Light, Green Light: A 2-Tone L.E.D. to Simplify Screens"
A surprise discovery by University of Amsterdam graduate student
Steve Welter may lead to simpler and more flexible displays.
While testing experimental organic light-emitting polymers
(OLEDs) created at Philips Research under the direction of ...

"IEEE 802.16 Spec Could Disrupt Wireless Landscape"
An IEEE committee researching the 802.16 wireless
metropolitan-area network (MAN) specification has approved that
technology for use in the 2- to 11-GHz range.  Committee chairman
and National Institute of Standards and Technology wireless ...

"Why Voice over IP Is on Hold"
The slow adoption of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
technology in the enterprise can be attributed to various
factors, according to experts.  One of them is the economic
slump, while another is little awareness of the technology's ...

"No Hiding Place"
A surveillance-based society is emerging, thanks to people's
increasing access to the Internet and the proliferation and
advancement of technologies that can be monitored or are used for
monitoring, including digital cameras, face-recognition software, ...

"Intelligent Storage"
Storage devices imbued with intelligence, also known as
object-based storage devices (OSDs), allow for limitless system
scalability since they assume the low-level storage management
duties previously completed by the storage server.  Because those ...

"Recycling Tax Plan for PCs Due for Debate"
In an effort to promote the recycling of electronic waste, Rep.
Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) will likely introduce a bill next month
that adds a maximum recycling tax of $10 to the purchase price of
PCs, laptops, and monitors, according to aides.  The EPA would ...

"Building the Nanofuture with Carbon Tubes"
Carbon nanotubes offer many potential applications that run the
gamut from flat-panel displays to super-strong fabrics to fuel
cells to synthetic muscles, but the emergence and growth of the
nanotube industry will depend on the development of a simple and ...


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