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ACM TechNews - Friday, January 10, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 444
Date: January 10, 2003

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Top Stories for Friday, January 10, 2003:

"Graduate Study in Sciences, Engineering Fell During Decade"
"White House to Fill Cybersecurity Posts"
"E-Waste: Dark Side of Digital Age"
"Gentlemen, Start Hacking Your Engines"
"High Tech's Latest Bright Idea: Shared Computing"
"Keeping Ahead of DNS Attacks"
"Cheap Chips Seen Driving Next Tech Wave"
"Palo Alto Scientist May Fend Off Big Brother"
"W3C Releases Scripting Standard, Caveat"
"Wi-Fi: Still Room for Improvement"
"Macworld's Look at the Year Ahead in Macs"
"Aligned Fields Could Speed Storage"
"Computer Linguists Mix Language, Science"
"Cybersecurity Plan May Pose Privacy Problems"
"Studios Using Digital Armor to Fight Piracy"
"Disruptive Technologies"
"L1s Slip Past H-1B Curbs"
"The Next Plastic Revolution"
"Panel Finds that R&D Relationships Need to be Remodeled"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Graduate Study in Sciences, Engineering Fell During Decade"
A recent study by the University of Washington found that the
number of college seniors intending to enter mathematics graduate
programs declined 19 percent between 1992 and 2000, while those
who planned to become engineering graduates slipped 25 percent.  ...

"White House to Fill Cybersecurity Posts"
Government and industry technology sources say the White House
intends to nominate former Defense Intelligence Agency director
James Clapper as head of the Department of Homeland Security's
Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection division, and ...

"E-Waste: Dark Side of Digital Age"
In its third annual computer company report card, the Computer
TakeBack Campaign (CTC) found that U.S. computer firms trail
their counterparts in Japan in terms of worker health and safety,
recycling programs, and hazardous materials, using research ...

"Gentlemen, Start Hacking Your Engines"
Tech-savvy car enthusiasts who love to race are taking advantage
of their automobiles' onboard computer systems to boost engine
performance, and this in turn has created a market for high-tech
software, gadgetry, and other vehicle add-ons.  One supplier is ...

"High Tech's Latest Bright Idea: Shared Computing"
Experts predict that shared computing technology, which allows
companies or researchers to tap into and combine the processing
power in all machines so they can carry out major computing
chores rather than relying on expensive supercomputers, will ...

"Keeping Ahead of DNS Attacks"
The domain name system (DNS) mapping Internet addresses
requires a coordinated defense against attacks, such as the
denial-of-service attack last Oct. 21.  Paul Mockapetris,
inventor of the DNS, writes that the attack on the 13 root ...

"Cheap Chips Seen Driving Next Tech Wave"
Pervasive computing will drive technological innovation in the
coming years, predicted Institute for the Future director Paul
Saffo, speaking at the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials
International Industry Strategy Symposium on Tuesday.  Saffo also ...

"Palo Alto Scientist May Fend Off Big Brother"
Along with its controversial Total Information Awareness project,
the U.S. government is also spending money to develop
sophisticated privacy safeguards.  The Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded established ...

"W3C Releases Scripting Standard, Caveat"
The Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 HTML scripting
specification the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released on
Thursday will simplify the creation of Web pages with more
dynamic and functional elements, such as spur-of-the moment style ...

"Wi-Fi: Still Room for Improvement"
Wi-Fi technology, despite its fast rise to dominance in the
wireless LAN space, is still undergoing significant changes as
new flavors emerge and are improved upon.  Although the original
802.11b standard will remain the dominant specification for about ...

"Macworld's Look at the Year Ahead in Macs"
A panel of a dozen experts expressed their thoughts on notable
Apple products and developments that will emerge or unfold in
2003.  Macworld UK editor-in-chief Simon Jary does not expect a
spectacular rise in Apple's market share, and foresees problems ...

"Aligned Fields Could Speed Storage"
A team of German and Russian scientists has made a discovery that
could link magnetic and electronic data storage and increase the
flexibility of both techniques.  The breakthrough involves the
simultaneous imaging of a material's electric and magnetic ...

"Computer Linguists Mix Language, Science"
The job of computer linguists involves teaching computers to
comprehend spoken language, speak, and translate text, according
to Dr. Gary F. Simons of SIL International, formerly the Summer
Institute of Linguistics.  The Internet has spurred interest in ...

"Cybersecurity Plan May Pose Privacy Problems"
A White House internal draft of the National Plan to Secure
Cyberspace obtained by the Associated Press on Tuesday reportedly
cuts most private-sector recommendations, reduces the number of
proposals from 86 to 49, and makes the Homeland Security ...

"Studios Using Digital Armor to Fight Piracy"
Hollywood and the music industry are fighting digital piracy with
digital means--content controls that regulate how people consume
and use media.  Industry executives worry that, as they release
their movies and television shows in digital form, it will be ...

"Disruptive Technologies"
A series of disruptive technologies that will increase people's
access to information and trigger beneficial change that will
dramatically impact business and economic evolution are starting
to take root; their proliferation will translate into increased ...

"L1s Slip Past H-1B Curbs"
The H-1B visa program that allows companies to import foreign
workers for IT jobs has attracted intense scrutiny, regulation,
and criticism from American professionals arguing that they are
losing jobs to people willing to work for less money.  The ...

"The Next Plastic Revolution"
Scientists are developing the next generation of display
technology that uses electrically charged organic polymers to
emit light.  While the special plastics lack the superconductive
qualities of the best silicon and other non-organic materials, ...

"Panel Finds that R&D Relationships Need to be Remodeled"
At R&D Magazine's 4th Annual Independent R&D Organization (IRDO)
CEO Roundtable, panelists discussed how developments in the past
year and a half--the terrorist attacks, the economic recession,
and so on--have affected commercial research and development, ...


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