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ACM TechNews - Friday, January 3, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 441
Date: January 3, 2003

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Top Stories for Friday, January 3, 2003:

"Tech Industry to Take On Hollywood over Digital Rules"
"Wi-Fi Spectrum Battle Pits Antiterrorism Efforts Against
 Commercial Growth"
"Could Fear of Terror Muzzle Science?"
"For the Gadget Universe, a Common Tongue"
"Breakthrough Brings Laser Light to New Regions of the Spectrum"
"Composer Harnesses Artificial Intelligence to Create Music"
"Getting Smart About Predictive Intelligence"
"IT Staffing Crisis Looms in India"
"New Strategy in the War on Spammers"
"Giving Robots the Gift of Sight"
"Happy Birthday, Dear Internet"
"Inside the World of Extreme Programming"
"Toward a More Secure 2003"
"Technology Jobs are Increasingly Going Small Tech"
"2002: The Year in Technology"
"Realer Than Real"
"Who's Winning the Cyberwars?"
"Beyond the Information Age"
"Robotic Heroes"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Tech Industry to Take On Hollywood over Digital Rules"
A new coalition formed from the Business Software Alliance and
the Computer Systems Policy Project intends to recruit consumer
and business groups to help launch a lobbying campaign that takes
aim at copy-protection legislation supported by the entertainment ...

"Wi-Fi Spectrum Battle Pits Antiterrorism Efforts Against
 Commercial Growth"
The U.S. Defense Department wants the use of wireless LANs
(WLANs) operating in the lower portion of the 5-GHz band to be
restricted, on the grounds that they could potentially interfere
with military radar systems' ability to identify terrorist ...

"Could Fear of Terror Muzzle Science?"
As a result of Sept. 11, both the U.S. government and researchers
are debating how to strike a balance between the long-held
tradition of keeping science research open, and worries that
terrorists could exploit such research for nefarious purposes.  ...

"For the Gadget Universe, a Common Tongue"
Vanu, the four-year old company founded by Vanu Bose, son of
hi-fi inventor and MIT professor Amar Bose, develops
software-defined radio for the purpose of enabling disparate
devices--cell phones, handheld computers, laptops, etc.--to ...

"Breakthrough Brings Laser Light to New Regions of the Spectrum"
University of Colorado researchers report in the Jan. 2 issue of
Nature that they have developed an extreme-ultraviolet (EUV)
laser beam that generates wavelengths that are 10 to 100 times
shorter than visible light waves, an innovation that can be ...

"Composer Harnesses Artificial Intelligence to Create Music"
Award-winning composer Eduardo Reck Miranda is working on
computer programs that can learn to create their own music.
Miranda, an expert in artificial intelligence and researcher for
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, previously made programs ...

"Getting Smart About Predictive Intelligence"
Boston Globe columnist Scott Kirsner expects the major technology
debate of 2003 to revolve around the use of predictive
intelligence, which is being employed in the private sector for
marketing purposes, but, more importantly, lies at the heart of ...

"IT Staffing Crisis Looms in India"
Many multinationals turn to India for their IT-enabled services
and business processes so that they can take advantage of cheaper
labor and low operations costs, and consulting firm McKinsey
reports that Indian outsourcing companies could earn as much as ...

"New Strategy in the War on Spammers"
AT&T Labs researcher Dr. John Ioannidis will present a paper in
February that details a system he has devised to combat spam by
creating "single-purpose addresses" that senders can use to
recipients they either have no continuing relationship with or ...

"Giving Robots the Gift of Sight"
Carnegie Mellon University professor Hans Moravec has developed a
3D robotic vision system that includes stereoscopic digital
cameras and a 3D grid composed of 32 million digital cells that a
machine can use to reliably navigate through homes and offices.  ...

"Happy Birthday, Dear Internet"
When exactly the Internet was born is a matter of debate, but
many agree that Jan. 1, 1983, is a significant date because that
was when its Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
precursor transitioned from Network Control Protocol (NCP) to ...

"Inside the World of Extreme Programming"
Extreme Programming (XP), in which coders are paired up so that
they can constantly scrutinize and improve each other's work, is
seen by corporate IT managers as a way to make software
development more efficient.  "Extreme Programming Installed" ...

"Toward a More Secure 2003"
The year 2003 will hold numerous challenges for corporate
security managers, but also yield opportunities to boost computer
security through technology and software advancements.  Message
Labs reports that the growth rate of junk email, or spam, will ...

"Technology Jobs are Increasingly Going Small Tech"
A background in nanotechnology could be very helpful in securing
future careers for engineers, and Ardesta recruiting director
Marlo Pabst notes that nanotech and microtechnologies are based
on similar engineering theory.  However, she acknowledges that ...

"2002: The Year in Technology"
Notable developments in the technology sector this past year
included id Quantique's debut of the first commercial quantum
encryption device in June, while QinetiQ transmitted a
quantum-bit signal over 23 kilometers in October, and Australian ...

"Realer Than Real"
Head-mounted display (HMD) technologies are an example of "mixed
reality" systems that promise to seamlessly integrate
computer-generated data and imagery with the real world, and
Japan is leading the charge in this area: Japanese hospitals have ...

"Who's Winning the Cyberwars?"
The Sept. 11 attacks and the Nimda virus outbreak have helped
raise the profile of cybersecurity and the need to defend
cyberspace from increasingly sophisticated hackers, virus
writers, and cyberterrorists who go after specific targets such ...

"Beyond the Information Age"
Futurist and author Stan Davis writes that the information
economy passed its midpoint with the launch of the Internet, and
will segue to a biotech economy in the late 2020s.  He recommends
that CIOs should prepare for this transition by concentrating on ...

"Robotic Heroes"
Advanced robots that can function in areas or situations too
dangerous for humans are finding use in the military, law
enforcement, and even the space program.  Battlefield robots
under development or in use include iRobot's Bloodhound, a ...


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