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ACM TechNews - Friday, May 31, 2002

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ACM TechNews
Volume 4, Number 355
Date: May 31, 2002

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Top Stories for Friday, May 31, 2002:

"Linux Vendors Stand Behind UnitedLinux"
"FBI Analysis: We Don't Compute"
"In Search of the Green PC"
"Bush Criticized on Digital Divide"
"EPA Plans to Promote Ways to Recycle Old TVs, Computers"
"'Radio on a Chip' Debuts"
"Linux Grows on Government Systems"
"Enforcing Laws in a Borderless Web"
"Europe to Compete With U.S. Global Positioning System"
"Anti-Snooping Operating System Close to Launch"
"Telecom Companies Put Tiny Tech on Hold"
"Flexible Virtual Reality Environment Unveiled"
"Linux Development Kernel Gets Bluetooth"
"Critics Say ICANN Should Compete for Net Governance Duties"
"Cheap Wireless Sees the Light"
"Where the Jobs Are"
"Keeping an Eye on Web Apps"
"The 15% Solution"
"The Toughest Transistor Yet"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Linux Vendors Stand Behind UnitedLinux"
Linux vendors Caldera, SuSE, Conectiva, and Turbolinux on
Thursday announced plans to merge their Linux versions into a
single Linux distribution called UnitedLinux in order to fight
fragmentation and to create a stronger product to compete with ...

"FBI Analysis: We Don't Compute"
FBI director Robert Mueller called for an extensive
reorganization of the bureau, a key point of which will be the
updating of its technological infrastructure.  He said such an
effort would involve not only additional hardware, but all bureau. ...

"In Search of the Green PC"
PC vendors are coming under pressure from environmental groups
and an increasingly aware consumer base to reduce the amount of
computer waste that is disposed of each year.  The National
Safety Council (NSC) estimates that 315 million computers will be. ...

"Bush Criticized on Digital Divide"
Consumer and civil rights groups are pressing the Bush
administration to change its tact on bridging the digital divide,
which Commerce Department Deputy Director Michael D. Gallagher
says is now focusing on opportunities, not divides.  In February, ...

"EPA Plans to Promote Ways to Recycle Old TVs, Computers"
To prevent a half-billion old TVs and computers from being
consigned to the junk pile in the next five years, the EPA
announced plans on Wednesday to tweak regulations so that
electronic discards can be more properly recycled.  Plastics, ...

"'Radio on a Chip' Debuts"
University of Florida researchers have built a tiny radio
transmitter and receiver into a silicon chip, leading the way for
vast improvements in computer performance and sensor networking.
Because broadcasting information across the chip simultaneously ...

"Linux Grows on Government Systems"
More and more government organizations are taking on Linux as a
cost-effective and secure operating system that is improving all
the time and has bigger backing from the biggest IT vendors.
IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and Red Hat all are reporting new sales of ...

"Enforcing Laws in a Borderless Web"
The rapid expansion of the Internet has left international legal
affairs in its wake, and disagreements over how to apply local
laws to the World Wide Web are increasing despite treaties such
as the World Intellectual Property Organization, which went into ...

"Europe to Compete With U.S. Global Positioning System"
The $3.2 billion Galileo project, approved by the European
Union's 15 transportation ministers in March, is a network of 30
satellites that could rival the U.S. Global Positioning System
(GPS) by enabling people to pinpoint their exact geographical ...

"Anti-Snooping Operating System Close to Launch"
Privacy advocates in Britain are worried about an upcoming third
part of that country's Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act,
which will allow police to demand access to electronic
information, including encryption keys, from criminal suspects. ...

"Telecom Companies Put Tiny Tech on Hold"
Telecommunications startups believe that nanotechnology-based
gear could give the communications sector a much-needed shot in
the arm after last year's meltdown, but their hopes for the
technology are dampened by inventory surpluses, not enough cash, ...

"Flexible Virtual Reality Environment Unveiled"
The Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC) of Iowa State
University has developed a flexible virtual environment that is a
distinct improvement over an earlier system.  VRAC associate
director Carolina Cruz-Neira says the C4, or "cave," features a ...

"Linux Development Kernel Gets Bluetooth"
Version 2.5.14 of the Linux development kernel now includes a
protocol stack for Bluetooth support, a sign that future Linux
distributions will include native Bluetooth support.  PC software
vendors Apple Computer and Microsoft also are developing ...

"Critics Say ICANN Should Compete for Net Governance Duties"
Competition should be introduced to bid against ICANN for the
privilege of managing the Internet's global addressing system,
says a group of public interest groups that includes the ACLU,
the Consumer Federation of America, the Electronic Privacy ...

"Cheap Wireless Sees the Light"
Cheaper wireless and 3G networks could become a reality thanks to
the efforts of BT researchers who claim to have built a machine
that converts radio waves into light.  The device is called an
electroabsorption modulator (EAM), and features an optical ...

"Where the Jobs Are"
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) employment
information manager Camille Luckenbaugh says the slow economy is
compelling companies to be choosy when evaluating college
graduates for entry-level IT spots, unlike in previous years when. ...

"Keeping an Eye on Web Apps"
With a massive wave of Web applications about to break, both new
and established vendors are competing to provide IT staff with
tools and services that sustain the applications' performance and
availability around the clock.  Meta Group's Corey Ferengul ...

"The 15% Solution"
AspectJ, the brainchild of Gregor Kiczales of the Palo Alto
Research Center (PARC), is a Java extension that is designed to
consolidate tasks that are often wildly distributed throughout
source code.  Kiczales says the development time from concept to ...

"The Toughest Transistor Yet"
Gallium nitride transistors, with their high levels of speed,
heat resistance, and power-handling, could pave the way for
countless innovations that will enhance advanced communications
networks and revive the flagging technology industry.  There are ...


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