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ACM TechNews - Monday, May 14, 2001

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ACM TechNews
Volume 3, Number 202
Date: May 14, 2001
Site Sponsored by Gateway (http://www.gateway.com)

Top Stories for Monday, May 14, 2001:

"New Internet Protocol Still Has Many Hurdles to Clear"
"New Breed of Attack Zombies Lurk"
"IT Training Tax-Credit Bill Filed in the House"
"Nerd Alert!"
"VeriSign, ICANN Confident About Commerce Ruling"
"CD-Burning Company Faces Patent Lawsuit"
"Europeans Leave U.S. in Huff Over Spy Network--Update"
"Government Online Exchange For Reusable Components Launched"
"Global Slowdown in IT Spending Could Benefit India"
"Mobile Security Flaws Send IPv6 Back to the Drawing Board"
"No Overtime for Techies?"
"Print Your Own 3D Object"
"Paper Trail"
"Wanted: Programmers for Handheld Devices"
"Laid Off, With No Place to Call Home"
"Stick It in Your Ear"
"XP Pros Take It to the Extreme"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"New Internet Protocol Still Has Many Hurdles to Clear"
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) will likely eliminate the
impending Internet address shortage, although its implementation
will force the operators of millions of Web servers worldwide to
install new operating systems.  Today, IP version 4 (IPv4) . . .

"New Breed of Attack Zombies Lurk"
The tech firm Asta Networks has finished a six-month observation
of hackers using the Internet2 network to practice new
denial-of-service (DoS) techniques.  Special software allowed
Asta to watch as hackers probed networks with often unnoticed . . .

"IT Training Tax-Credit Bill Filed in the House"
The tech industry is supporting a bill recently filed in the
House of Representatives that would provide a tax credit of
$1,500 for each worker given IT training each year.  A mirror
version of the bill is before the Senate.  The Computer . . .

"Nerd Alert!"
Engineers and scientists are often involved in the leadership of
a tech start-up, but they can hamper a company's progress unless
they learn managerial and business savvy along with their
technical know-how.  That is the driving force behind the . . .

"VeriSign, ICANN Confident About Commerce Ruling"
The ICANN-VeriSign deal to extend VeriSign's .com registry
contract to 2007 will receive a Commerce Department ruling on
Monday, May 14, that will approve, mandate redrafting, or cancel
the deal.  Both ICANN lawyer Joe Sims and VeriSign spokesman . . .

"CD-Burning Company Faces Patent Lawsuit"
Online music service Gracenote has filed suit against Roxio, a
maker of CD-burning software, alleging that Roxio is distributing
its software even though a contractual agreement between the two
companies expired one month ago.  The suit also charges that . . .

"Europeans Leave U.S. in Huff Over Spy Network--Update"
An attempt by two European Union officials to learn about the
alleged Echelon spy network, supposedly conducted by the United
States with Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and
Australia, ended in frustration when officials at the CIA, the . . .

"Government Online Exchange For Reusable Components Launched"
The National Association of State Chief Information Officers
(NASCIO) is currently building a software application exchange
for all 50 states to help get e-government initiatives up and
running more quickly at a much lower cost.  Software components . . .

"Global Slowdown in IT Spending Could Benefit India"
Indian IT firms are set to profit from the current slowdown in
the U.S. economy, with the National Association of Software and
Service Companies (NASSCOM) forecasting Indian IT export growth
from 40 percent to 45 percent in 2001.  The country's current . . .

"Mobile Security Flaws Send IPv6 Back to the Drawing Board"
Mobile users may have to wait a little longer for the release of
the mobile version of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), which
replaces the current IPv4 standard.  Today, mobile devices must
use their home IP addresses, causing delays in data transfer and . . .

"No Overtime for Techies?"
Certain groups are pushing to alter laws governing overtime
benefits for non-salaried IT workers--for example, the
computer-professionals bill now before Congress is designed to
limit overtime benefits for IT workers earning more than $27 per . . .

"Print Your Own 3D Object"
To drum up sales, Ennex President Marshall Burns and Internet
strategy adviser James Howison recently likened their company's
product to the embattled music file-sharing service Napster.
Ennex sells digital fabricators, also known as fabbers, which use . . .

"Paper Trail"
Although the Information Age has trumpeted new high-tech
recording formats, there are serious doubts over the assumption
that digital is better than pen and paper.  Just as microfilm
archives led many librarians to negate the importance of actual . . .

"Wanted: Programmers for Handheld Devices"
With handheld shipments projected to grow from 20 million this
year to 62 million in 2004, according to International Data,
handheld vendors face a rapidly increasing need for programmers
who can develop applications for these devices.  However, few . . .

"Laid Off, With No Place to Call Home"
The recent rash of layoffs at tech-related companies has landed
many H-1B visa holders in a difficult situation.  The terms of
the H-1B visa, which was created to allow highly skilled foreign
workers, mostly in the tech sector, to work in the United States, . . .

"Stick It in Your Ear"
After 40 years of research involving machine translation, the
first portable device to offer language-translation capabilities
will hit the market this fall, when Minnesota-based ViA plans to
introduce a wearable computer that it hopes airlines, hotel . . .

"XP Pros Take It to the Extreme"
A small, but growing number of software engineers are embracing a
technique known as extreme programming, or XP, in which two
programmers work together, constantly assisting and checking each
other's code.  Proponents say XP leads to better code that can be . . .


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