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ACM TechNews - Friday, July 14, 2000

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ACM TechNews
Volume 2, Number 80
Date: July 14, 2000
Site Sponsored by Gateway (http://www.gateway.com)

Top Stories for Friday, July 14, 2000:

"Panel Urges Bigger Pool for Tech Jobs"
"Congress Moves to Relax IT Worker Requirements"
"Senate Loosens Computer-Export Curbs"
"NASA Blocks Excite at Home Customers From Its Web Site in Anti-Hacker Effort"
"Report: Year's Hack Attacks to Cost $1.6 Trillion"
"Olympics File Suit Over Web Domains"
"ICANN Elections Open to Public"
"IBM Labs Peek Into Future, See Blue Planet"
"FBI E-Mail Surveillance Raises Privacy Concerns"
"Governments Urged to Leverage IT"
"EU to Join the Anti-Spam Front"
"A Cyber-Revolution Dawns in Haiti Despite All the Odds"
"Internet Caucus Co-Chair Bob Goodlatte"
"Avoid Getting Burned by Terms of Software Licenses in the Age of UCITA"
"It's Time to Clamp Down"
"The Dark Side of the Valley"
"E-Sign Bill's a Done Deal but Not Public Acceptance"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Panel Urges Bigger Pool for Tech Jobs"
Boosting the presence of women, minorities, and people with
disabilities in the science and engineering fields could help
relieve the labor shortage in the U.S. high-tech industry,
according to a report released yesterday by the Commission for . . .

"Congress Moves to Relax IT Worker Requirements"
The Senate could pass a bill as early as today that would loosen
the education requirements for IT professionals working on
government contracts.  The National Defense Authorization Act
would eliminate the minimum education and experience requirements . . .

"Senate Loosens Computer-Export Curbs"
The Senate yesterday approved an amendment that would drastically
cut the time for Congress to review the president's changes to
export controls, in a move expected to boost the high-tech
industry's push for looser computer export restrictions.  The . . .

"NASA Blocks Excite at Home Customers From Its Web Site in Anti-Hacker Effort"
NASA blocked subscribers of ExciteAtHome from accessing its Web site for the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, among others, for over three days earlier this week.
The space agency says that it took the drastic step because ExciteAtHome had been . . .

"Report: Year's Hack Attacks to Cost $1.6 Trillion"
The global economy will lose $1.6 trillion to hacker attacks in 2000,
warns PricewaterhouseCoopers in a recent study that
surveyed 30 countries and roughly 5,000 IT professionals.  The
most expensive form of attack is the virus, with the Love Bug . . .

"Olympics File Suit Over Web Domains"
Yesterday, the International, U.S., and Salt Lake City Olympic
committees filed suit in an Alexandria, Va., federal court to
dispute 1,804 domain names, becoming the most recent lawsuit in
the dozens of suits and hundreds of arbitration cases stemming from . . .

"ICANN Elections Open to Public"
Five directors will be chosen for the ICANN board, which manages the
administration of domain names for the world, and Australians can join in
on the online election as part of ICANN's "bottom up approach" to making policy.
Voters must be at least 16 years of age and have an email . . .

"IBM Labs Peek Into Future, See Blue Planet"
In order to understand the pervasiveness of computing in the
future and develop suitable technologies, IBM is conducting a
four-year, $180 million experiment, dubbed Planet Blue, that has
been underway since February at the company's T.J. Watson . . .

"FBI E-Mail Surveillance Raises Privacy Concerns"
Attorney General Janet Reno announced yesterday an investigation into the
FBI's Carnivore surveillance system, which has drawn the ire of privacy groups
such as he ACLU and the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).
"I'm taking a look at it now to make sure that we balance . . .

"Governments Urged to Leverage IT"
Government agencies at all levels need to focus on offering
services online and using technology to interact with citizens,
said Cisco Systems executive Susan Bostrom at the E-Gov
conference on Wednesday.  Some government sites now offer only . . .

"EU to Join the Anti-Spam Front"
Under the guidance of European Telecommunications Commissioner
Erkki Liikanen, the European Union's European Commission today
will release a plan to stem the tide of spam being received by EU citizens,
according to a Bloomberg report.  The European . . .

"A Cyber-Revolution Dawns in Haiti Despite All the Odds"
The Internet is starting to make its way into Haiti and could
eventually transform the country, most of which lacks both phone
lines and electricity.  Several cyber-cafes powered by generators
have emerged in Haiti, using spread spectrum technology to . . .

"Internet Caucus Co-Chair Bob Goodlatte"
In an interview with The Hill, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said
the Internet gambling bill and the Rural Satellite Bill, which
would help bring high-speed Internet access to rural areas and
small cities, will be priorities for the Internet Caucus for the . . .

"Avoid Getting Burned by Terms of Software Licenses in the Age of UCITA"
The Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (UCITA) includes
a number of provisions that should make corporate customers
especially wary of the terms of software procurement contracts.
However, corporate customers can improve their chances of getting . . .

"It's Time to Clamp Down"
Cyberattacks remain an expensive threat to companies worldwide,
but businesses are not taking adequate precautions to defend
themselves against viruses and other attacks, according to
informationWeek's annual Global Security Survey.  In the past 12 . . .

"The Dark Side of the Valley"
The backlash against the win-at-all-cost mentality in Silicon
Valley continues to grow, convincing some companies not to move
West and encouraging some employees to leave the area.  The
recent revelation that Oracle CEO Larry Ellison hired detectives . . .

"E-Sign Bill's a Done Deal but Not Public Acceptance"
The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act,
approved last month by Congress, clears the way for major growth
in e-commerce, but first the industry needs to improve the
technology and convince consumers to embrace e-signatures.  The . . .


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