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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, July 26, 2000

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ACM TechNews
Volume 2, Number 85
Date: July 26, 2000
Site Sponsored by Gateway (http://www.gateway.com)

Top Stories for Wednesday, July 26, 2000:

"High-Tech Visa Bill to Fill Labor Demand Hits Surprise Delay"
"Rapid Growth Sparks Fight for Internet Control"
"Race Issues Shake Tech World"
"FBI Makes Case for Net Wiretaps"
"At-Work-Monitoring Bill Introduced"
"Web Sites Allow Mischief by Unnamed E-Mailers"
"Devices Free Workers From Disabilities"
"French Ruling for Yahoo! Deferred"
"Domain Name Registrations Get Cheaper"
"EU to Restrict Use of Spam and Cookies"
"For Web Phones, the Future Is Calling"
"Suits, Geeks Seek Open-Source Entente"
"Let a Hundred Search Engines Bloom"
"More IT Funds Going Toward Web"
"The E-Gang"
"Coffee With Your Peers"
"Immense Potential"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"High-Tech Visa Bill to Fill Labor Demand Hits Surprise Delay"
Conflicts over illegal immigrants and amnesty threaten to derail
bipartisan efforts to increase the supply of foreign high-tech
workers who enter the U.S. thanks to H-1B visas.  The H-1B is a
six-year visa issued only to college-educated foreigners, and . . .

"Rapid Growth Sparks Fight for Internet Control"
Internet use is expanding around the world, and with an expected
160 million registered Web sites expected to be located primarily
overseas by 2003, Internet users will be seeking an easier and
inexpensive method of resolving arguments over Internet addresses . . .

"Race Issues Shake Tech World"
Allegations of racial discrimination have surfaced in the
high-tech industry.  Several individuals have filed lawsuits
against major corporations, including 3Com, NEC, and Oracle,
charging that they were victims of blatant hostility based solely . . .

"FBI Makes Case for Net Wiretaps"
The House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution focused its
attention on the FBI's Carnivore email surveillance system for
more than two hours yesterday, as lawmakers went on the offensive
and forced FBI officials to defend the controversial system.  FBI . . .

"At-Work-Monitoring Bill Introduced"
Legislation giving employees greater assurance that their email
communications or Web surfing activities are not being secretly
monitored in the workplace was introduced late last week in both
chambers of Congress.  Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga.) and Rep. Charles . . .

"Web Sites Allow Mischief by Unnamed E-Mailers"
Anonymous email services are springing up on the Internet,
allowing users to send prank messages that appear to be from
someone else.  Using sites such as ManicMail and Zoubidoo, for
example, a user could send a message that seems to be from the . . .

"Devices Free Workers From Disabilities"
Since the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act 10 years
ago, people with severe disabilities have benefited from the
design of products that assist them in day-to-day living.  Now
technology originally developed to assist the handicapped has . . .

"French Ruling for Yahoo! Deferred"
A French court will postpone making a decision on Yahoo!'s
compliance with French laws regarding Nazi memorabilia until
August 11.  The court announced that it would use the extra time
to mull over Yahoo!'s recent arguments that it is logistically . . .

"Domain Name Registrations Get Cheaper"
Domain name registration fees are dropping in India.
Net4Domains, a part of the Category A ISP Net4India, is offering
domain registrations for about $9 annually, while domain
registration companies with an international reach tend to charge . . .

"EU to Restrict Use of Spam and Cookies"
In an effort to strengthen data-privacy rules as part of a new
telecommunications regulatory proposal, the European Commission
is considering limiting unsolicited email and data-collecting
cookies on the Internet.  If approved by the European Union's . . .

"For Web Phones, the Future Is Calling"
The preferred method for Internet access around the world may
soon be the cellular phone, industry analysts predict.  Already
in Japan, cell phone-based Internet access is gaining users so
quickly that it could surpass PC-based Internet access within two . . .

"Suits, Geeks Seek Open-Source Entente"
Commercial firms hoping to discover ways to leverage open-source
software met with open-source developers at last week's O'Reilly
Open Source Software Convention in Monterey, Calif.  Although the
"hacker ethic" of open-source developers is in many ways at odds . . .

"Let a Hundred Search Engines Bloom"
Yahoo! recently announced that Google.com would replace Inktomi
as Yahoo's consumer search provider--part of the wave of boutique
search technology that is entering the search engine market.
Many of the big portals are outsourcing searching functions, and . . .

"More IT Funds Going Toward Web"
U.S. companies will more than double the percentage of their IT
budgets earmarked for Web projects between 1999 and 2003, says
International Data (IDC).  In the next three years U.S. firms
will spend more than $282 billion on both internal and external . . .

"The E-Gang"
The new phase of the Internet Revolution will be dominated by
large companies that are making their products, services, and
operations compatible with the Web.  Fortune has reviewed 12
executives of corporations who are leveraging the Internet to . . .

"Coffee With Your Peers"
Speaking in a roundtable discussion, five IT executives from
different industries shared their thoughts on technology,
management, and general business issues with Network World's
Julie Bort.  Discussion participants included Don Springer, vice . . .

"Immense Potential"
Internet protocol (IP) networks are challenging today's telephone
system by providing a cheap and innovative way to make telephone
calls.  IP networks transport data packets composed of voice,
text, video, audio, and other data.  IP telephony is cheaper than . . .


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