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ACM TechNews - Friday, March 31, 2000

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ACM TechNews
Volume 2, Number 37
Date: March 31, 2000
Site Sponsored by Gateway (http://www.gateway.com)

Top Stories for Friday, March 31, 2000:

"Sun Adjusting Terms of Java Server Software Licensing"
"Microsoft Enters an Era of Uncertainty"
"Common Sense Rules in an Arrogant Suit"
"Computers Change Typical Ways People Work"
"Ex-Intel Engineer Indicted"
"Congress Moves Forward on E-Signatures"
"It's Going to Be E-Commerce or Lost Commerce"
"On the Global, Faceless Web, Trust Counts for Even More"
"Canada Called Hotbed of Cyberterrorism"
"Hackers Battle Security, Politicians For Conference"
"Sixty Percent of U.S. Homes to Be Wired by Year's End-Study"
"European E-Commerce Poised for Boom"
"Study Shows Europe Ready for ASPs"
"Net Tax Debate Still Unresolved"
"Design--Not Just for Aesthetics But a Means to Drum Up Business"
"Directory Redux"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Sun Adjusting Terms of Java Server Software Licensing"
In an effort to appease the Java community, Sun has decided to
let companies gradually implement parts of Java 2 Enterprise
Edition (J2EE) rather than forcing users to adopt the new version
all at once.  Sun released J2EE in December, but many business . . .

"Microsoft Enters an Era of Uncertainty"
The rapid advance of Internet technology and the related
cutthroat competition have altered business strategies and
consequently thrown software giant Microsoft into a period of
uncertainty.  Although Microsoft's Windows still dominates the PC . . .

"Common Sense Rules in an Arrogant Suit"
A recent lawsuit filed by Ticketmaster Online-CitySearch against
an Internet company that created a hyperlink connecting its Web
site to the Ticketmaster site demonstrates the ludicrous
litigation often spawned by competition over Internet technology, . . .

"Computers Change Typical Ways People Work"
Technology is revolutionizing the workplace, but not always for
the better.  For example, the pace of technological change is so
rapid that individuals often cannot keep up, which leads to a
higher degree of stress as people increasingly feel they are . . .

"Ex-Intel Engineer Indicted"
Say Ley Ow, a former Intel engineer, was recently indicted for
stealing documents and computer files relating to Intel's Itanium
microprocessor.  Federal prosecutors charged Ow with breaking the
Economic Espionage Act of 1996, a rarely-used law that makes the . . .

"Congress Moves Forward on E-Signatures"
The path to reconciliation of competing House and Senate digital
signature bills has been cleared of obstacles by the Senate's
appointment of members to a conference session on digital
signatures.  The Senate version of the bill is considered more . . .

"It's Going to Be E-Commerce or Lost Commerce"
The health of the United States and the standard of living
enjoyed by its citizens will be increasingly linked to the
Internet, says Jerry J. Jasinowsky, president of the National
Association of Manufacturers.  Although government can certainly . . .

"On the Global, Faceless Web, Trust Counts for Even More"
Increasing numbers of B2B entrepreneurs are discovering that
contrary to popular Internet sentiment, replacing human contact
with digital contact is not necessarily good for business.  The
complexity and enormous amount of factors involved in B2B . . .

"Canada Called Hotbed of Cyberterrorism"
The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency recently issued a report for
Canada's Department of National Defense that calls the country a
"Zone of Vulnerability" for cyberattacks.  The report states that
roughly 80 percent of the foreign attacks on U.S. computers . . .

"Hackers Battle Security, Politicians For Conference"
Three hundred and fifty hackers met in Israel recently for a
two-day conference, the first hacker get-together since the
February spate of denial-of-service attacks on sites such as
eBay.  Israeli politicians attempted to prohibit the conference . . .

"Sixty Percent of U.S. Homes to Be Wired by Year's End-Study"
Six in 10 U.S. households will have Internet access by the end of
2000, according to a Cahners In-Stat Group report that surveyed
1,500 U.S. consumers.  The remaining 40 percent will be a
difficult market to crack, says Kate von Goeler, an In-Stat . . .

"European E-Commerce Poised for Boom"
Online business-to-consumer sales in Europe will reach an
incredible $170 billion by 2005, up from just $2.8 billion in
1999, says Forrester Research.  On average the growth would reach
98 percent annually.  Although greater use of the Internet is . . .

"Study Shows Europe Ready for ASPs"
The application service provider (ASP) business model is gaining
popularity in Europe, particularly within the banking and
financial services, transportation, utilities, travel, and
tourism industries, according to a survey conducted by the Ovum . . .

"Net Tax Debate Still Unresolved"
The Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce failed to get the
required two-thirds vote on any of its Internet tax solutions,
leaving the issue of Internet taxation still unsettled.
Companies such as Wal-Mart want Internet taxes imposed on all . . .

"Design--Not Just for Aesthetics But a Means to Drum Up Business"
Numerous business executives who have realized the marketing
importance of a product's visual appearance will join individuals
from the media and design fields in attending a symposium
entitled "Redesigning Business for the New Economy."  The . . .

"Directory Redux"
Directories, no longer confined to simply storing employee
passwords, are playing a major role in many e-commerce efforts.
As the Internet and e-commerce grow, directories are beginning to
store security and access policies, external business partner . . .


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