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ACM TechNews - Monday, March 13, 2000

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ACM TechNews
Volume 2, Number 29
Date: March 13, 2000
Site Sponsored by Gateway (http://www.gateway.com)

Top Stories for Monday, March 13, 2000:

"Technologists Get a Warning and a Plea From One of Their Own"
"CEOs Care, But Don't Act, About Their Firms' Net Reputation"
"Are CIOs Obsolete?"
"Ideas Into Products With the Web"
"E-Business Analysis Tools Are Key for Dot-Coms"
"NY Senate Seeks Internet Privacy Laws"
"Central Europe, Too, Is Embracing the Net"
"Identity Theft Cases Said on Rise"
"Seeking the Deeper Path to E-Success"
"A Glimpse of Cyberwarfare"
"Send No Evil?"
"Corporate Security Begins at Home"
"Enabling a Successful e-Business Strategy Requires a Detailed
 Business Process Map"
"Lawmakers Seek Better Shields Against Cyberattacks"
"Clicking for Candidates"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Technologists Get a Warning and a Plea From One of Their Own"
Sun Microsystems chief scientist Bill Joy warns scientists
against pursuing technological advances that might enable
widespread destruction and ultimately threaten human life, in an
article for the April issue of Wired magazine.  Voicing an . . .

"CEOs Care, But Don't Act, About Their Firms' Net Reputation"
Sixty-four percent of CEOs and senior managers report that their
company's Web site could be doing a better job of improving the
corporate reputation, according to a survey conducted by
Yankelovich Partners.  Only 9 percent of those surveyed feel that . . .

"Are CIOs Obsolete?"
Harvard Business Review recently asked six experts for their
views on whether the CIO's position has become obsolete as
technology pervades all areas of business, turning all executives
into information officers.  Dawn Lepore, CIO and vice chairman at . . .

"Ideas Into Products With the Web"
The Internet now enables companies to trade intellectual
property, like ideas and technology, in addition to traditional
retail items.  The most recently launched of such tech-trader Web
sites, yet2.com, allows a company, free of charge, to post its . . .

"E-Business Analysis Tools Are Key for Dot-Coms"
Analytic intelligence, which provides precise and profitable
information about customers, is becoming a mission-critical
element of e-commerce, because it produces personalized content
that can be used to attract business.  Dot-coms are employing new . . .

"NY Senate Seeks Internet Privacy Laws"
The New York state senate announced the introduction of a
legislative package that would increase the privacy protections
of consumers, patients, and other individuals.  The protections
extend beyond the Internet, protecting consumers from a wide . . .

"Central Europe, Too, Is Embracing the Net"
A small but enthusiastic group of companies in Hungary, and in
the rest of Central Europe, are pushing e-business development in
the region.  The companies, often traditional businesses using
the Internet as an additional source of revenue, find that much . . .

"Identity Theft Cases Said on Rise"
Ohio resident Maureen Mitchell and her husband had their
identities stolen over the Internet, allowing the thieves to
wreak havoc on the couple's financial status by making large
purchases, procuring bank loans, and opening many credit accounts . . .

"Seeking the Deeper Path to E-Success"
Companies that have the most success with e-business are those
that not only invest heavily in IT, but also show a strong
commitment to e-business best practices, according to a recently
released InformationWeek Research study.  Significant business . . .

"A Glimpse of Cyberwarfare"
Various governments around the world are using the Internet to
suppress dissent, harass their enemies, obtain trade secrets, and
even prepare for war.  Although computer security experts admit
that some of the worst-case scenarios have yet to happen, such as . . .

"Send No Evil?"
The growing number of businesses monitoring employee email are
finding that the practice is not particularly straightforward.
Although the majority of financial services firms have been
monitoring employee emails since 1997--when the SEC extended its . . .

"Corporate Security Begins at Home"
Many companies are responding to last month's denial-of-service
attacks on several Web sites by undertaking efforts to protect
the security of telecommuter transactions conducted via their
corporate VPNs.  Zone Labs President Gregor Freund notes that . . .

"Enabling a Successful e-Business Strategy Requires a Detailed
 Business Process Map"
A detailed business roadmap is key to a successful e-business
implementation, writes InfoWorld's Maggie Biggs.  Biggs predicts
greater development in the business-to-business e-commerce space
this year, which she says will create the need for businesses to . . .

"Lawmakers Seek Better Shields Against Cyberattacks"
The Government Information Security Act, recently introduced in
Congress by Sens. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) and Fred Thompson
(R-Tenn.), attempts to bring the IT industry and government
together behind a comprehensive, long-term solution for computer . . .

"Clicking for Candidates"
San Mateo County, Calif., boasts an electronic voting system that
connects remote sites via networks; meanwhile, 15 other counties
in the state are in the midst of efforts to replace their old
tedious and time-consuming voting systems with the new electronic . . .

The success of Linux indicates that people can cooperate on large
projects without money as an incentive, and this type of
collaboration will likely expand to other areas such as medicine
and law as technology improves, says Washington Monthly writer . . .


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