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ACM TechNews - Friday, January 14, 2000

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ACM TechNews
Volume 2, Number 6
Date: January 14, 2000
Site Sponsored by Gateway (http://www.gateway.com)

Today's Top Stories:

"Gates Quits as Microsoft's CEO"
"Justice Said to Be Seeking Breakup of Microsoft Empire"
"As Linux Gains Acceptance; Banks Still Slow to Adopt It"
"White House Proposes Liberalized Rules For Export Sales of
 Encryption Software"
"Taking a Whack at Hackers"
"GE Joining Effort on 'Smart' Appliances"
"Riding the Mobile Internet Wave"
"Informix Settles Allegations by SEC of Accounting Fraud
 Tied to Deficits"
"Surfing From Behind the Wheel"
"Reinventing the CIO"
"A Thousand Ills Require a Thousand Cures"
"Avoid the Pitfalls of Going From Bricks to Clicks"
"No Rest for the Weary"
"Outrageous Fortune"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Gates Quits as Microsoft's CEO"
Bill Gates resigned yesterday as Microsoft's CEO, handing the
role over to the company's President Steve Ballmer.  Gates will
remain chairman, and will fill the new position of chief software
architect.  The announcement comes shortly after reports that the...

"Justice Said to Be Seeking Breakup of Microsoft Empire"
The Justice Department plans to seek a Microsoft breakup as a
solution to its antitrust suit against the software giant, and
will outline the plan in next week's settlement talks, according
to people close to the case.  Government lawyers want to split...

"As Linux Gains Acceptance; Banks Still Slow to Adopt It"
Although the financial services industry is adopting Linux more
slowly than other industries, banks are beginning to look into
the open source operating system, says research firm Tower Group.
Banks still prefer Microsoft's Windows NT, IBM's AIX, Sun's...

"White House Proposes Liberalized Rules For Export Sales of
Encryption Software"
The Clinton administration recently proposed relaxing rules
governing the sale of encryption technology to foreign
governments and companies after months of lobbying pressure from
the high-tech industry.  The new rules would allow the devices to...

"Taking a Whack at Hackers"
Many companies, seeking to avoid negative publicity, are now
bypassing the FBI and employing private security consultants when
they find themselves victims of a cyber attack.  Several of these
security firms hire hacking experts, many who are former hackers...

"GE Joining Effort on 'Smart' Appliances"
General Electric announced a joint venture with Microsoft to
facilitate a technological link between smart appliances with
more traditional home appliances.  GE, already in a deal with Sun
Microsystems, will join Intel, Sony, and IBM in the Universal...

"Riding the Mobile Internet Wave"
Both England and Spain are holding auctions to sell wireless
spectrum licenses.  In the United Kingdom, 13 firms or
consortiums bid for five licenses yesterday, the first ever in
Europe.  The licenses are intended to allow 3G mobile services...

"Informix Settles Allegations by SEC of Accounting Fraud
 Tied to Deficits"
The Securities and Exchange Commission's allegations against
Informix have been settled with no fines, but with a
cease-and-desist order banning future violations.  Informix was
accused of accounting fraud for understating $244 million worth...

"Surfing From Behind the Wheel"
IBM and Motorola have formed a partnership to develop wireless
Internet technology for cars that could be available as soon as
2002.  IBM will provide a number of back-end systems and services
for Motorola's iRadio, which will let drivers access real-time...

"Reinventing the CIO"
CIOs need to change their roles to accommodate the changes
e-business is making in order to succeed in the next several
years.  E-business is increasingly drawing more of a company's
employees into IT, as separate departments embark on their own...

"A Thousand Ills Require a Thousand Cures"
Computer viruses cost businesses worldwide billions of dollars
every year, and separating an infected network from the Internet
until a problem has been cleared up only adds to the cost.
However, researchers have developed a more biological approach to...

"Avoid the Pitfalls of Going From Bricks to Clicks"
Although traditional companies recognize the need to integrate
e-commerce into brick-and-mortar operations, many Web efforts are
hindered by a lack of strategic vision, skilled IT workers, and
proper infrastructure, according to a recent KPMG report.  KPMG...

"No Rest for the Weary"
IT workers are likely to find 2000 will be a challenging year with issues
such as e-business,Windows 2000, and outsourcing to consider. IT has
become a muchlarger part of core businesses, and companies will now
expect more from information systems.  As a result, IT budgets will be...

"Outrageous Fortune"
Mainframe users are growing increasingly annoyed with software
costs, as vendors charge on capacity-based models that become
more costly as users install more powerful hardware.  Meanwhile,
hardware costs are falling, making software account for a growing...


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