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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 (fwd)

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Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 16:40:26 -0500
From: technews <technews@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: TECHNEWS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: ACM TechNews - Wednesday, December 22, 1999

Dear ACM TechNews Subscriber:

Welcome to the December 22, 1999 edition of ACM TechNews,
providing timely information for IT professionals three times a
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ACM TechNews
Volume 1, Number 10
Date: December 22, 1999
Site Sponsored by Gateway (http://www.gateway.com)

Today's Top Stories:

"Y2K Will Take World by Storm"
"Compaq May Be Near a Plan to Build Tailor-Made PCs"
"Government Warning About Y2K Hackers"
"Privacy Advocates Like New Crypto Regs"
"One in Four Online Purchases Thwarted"
"Europe Closing E-Commerce Gap With U.S."
"Sony Leads Record Industry Into Web Music"
"One in Three Europeans to Use Mobile Internet by 2004"
"Venture Involving Compaq to Build Electronic Portal for Hong Kong"
"Akamai to Help Road Runner Speed Up in Hot Market"
"Living in the Global Goldfish Bowl"
"Is Your Company Ready?--E-Businesses Must Tackle Three
 Megatrends This Year"
"Cutting Out E-fraud"
"One-Stop Shops for Web-Site Development"
"A Time of Energy and Enterprise and Now E-Everything"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Y2K Will Take World by Storm"
Although the U.S. and other Western nations have made extensive
Y2K preparations, contact with countries that are not prepared
will result in infrastructure problems, according to a report
from BSC Consulting.  Many governments and businesses have been...

"Compaq May Be Near a Plan to Build Tailor-Made PCs"
Compaq might be arranging a deal for Inacom to produce
made-to-order Compaq PCs, after trying unsuccessfully for years
to move into the customized PCs market now ruled by Dell.  Inacom
already makes customized Compaq PCs for its own customers, and...

"Government Warning About Y2K Hackers"
Government Y2K experts plan to monitor computer systems closely
on Jan. 1 for hacker attacks disguised as Y2K problems.  Some of
these attacks might come from hackers trying to break into
networks as the date change occurs, but problems are more likely...

"Privacy Advocates Like New Crypto Regs"
Privacy advocates are giving the Clinton administration's second
draft of encryption regulations a much better reception than the
first draft, which was released earlier in the year.  Americans
for Computer Privacy (ACP) spokesperson Sue Richard says the...

"One in Four Online Purchases Thwarted"
Over a fourth of all attempted online buys are never completed
because Web sites either cannot accept orders, crash during the
process, are under construction, or otherwise unable to conduct
transactions, according to an Andersen Consulting study. ...

"Europe Closing E-Commerce Gap With U.S."
E-commerce is expected to grow substantially in Europe over the
next five years, according to Forrester Research, and by then
should become half the size of the market in the U.S.  The
European market should grow 100 per year and reach 1.6 trillion...

"Sony Leads Record Industry Into Web Music"
In January, Sony Music Entertainment will incorporate the
Electronic Music Management System into its Net-based music
distribution service.  Sony is the first major record label to
offer its music over the Web and is looking to establish a model...

"One in Three Europeans to Use Mobile Internet by 2004"
In five years roughly 219 million Europeans will be using mobile
telephones for Internet access, according to a recent Forrester
Research survey.  The user-friendly SMS system has spurred faith
that WAP services will grow.  Mobile operators will be able to...

"Venture Involving Compaq to Build Electronic Portal for Hong Kong"
Compaq and Hutchison Telecom, a large conglomerate in Hong Kong,
won a five-year contract from Hong Kong's government to build a
system called ESD that will offer both government services and
commercial applications.  The ESD system will provide a portal...

"Akamai to Help Road Runner Speed Up in Hot Market"
Akamai Technologies today announced a partnership with Road
Runner through which it will provide faster delivery of Internet
content and application services to Road Runner's broadband
subscribers.  Road Runner, competitor to ExciteAtHome in the...

"Living in the Global Goldfish Bowl"
Businesses that monitor the email of employees without their
knowledge may just be the beginning of privacy concerns that have
become the focus of attention as computer technology moves ahead.
Although the business world insists that gathering as much...

"Is Your Company Ready?--E-Businesses Must Tackle Three
 Megatrends This Year"

As companies go online, they must pay heed to three major trends
of the coming year, writes InternetWeek's Richard Karpinski.
First, supply chains have become integral in the shift toward
e-business.  The Internet enables companies to add new vendors to...

"Cutting Out E-fraud"
An increasing number of entrepreneurs are taking their business
online, even though they will be exposing themselves to the
dangers of fraud on the Internet.  A lack of affordable fraud
detection services has done little to convince many entrepreneurs...

"One-Stop Shops for Web-Site Development"
Companies in need of a Web application development platform often
look for one-stop shopping rather than best-of-breed components
from different vendors, due to pressures such as time-to-market
and a lack of skilled developers. Companies can reduce expenses...

"A Time of Energy and Enterprise and Now E-Everything"
Eight prominent business leaders were recently asked to reflect
on the outgoing century and look forward to the next with an eye
toward what phenomena have motivated change.  Technology,
especially the airplane, television, computers, and the Internet,...


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