Due: | 2/8/99 |
Format: | Double spaced |
Approximate Length: | 15 pages |
Percentage of Grade: | 30% + 10% for presentation |
Please do not begin work on this assignment until we have discussed research ethics on 1/20.
In addition to participant observation, you should interview at least three people affiliated with the community. They may be community designers, leaders, or regular members. You don't need to stick to Seidman's three interview structure--one or two interviews per participant should be sufficient. You must get informed consent before doing an interview; we'll discuss this in class. The interviews are better if they're in person, but telephone works too. You can buy a gizmo at Radio Shack to let you record conversations off of the phone. You must get permission to record the conversation. You may do online interviews of community members in addition to but not instead of doing interviews of at least three people face to face or on the phone.
Analyze the community in terms of Amy Jo Kim's Nine Principles for Community Design. How does the community address each of these issues?
In what ways is the community successful? Is it meeting the needs of its members? Compare and contrast the community to other similar ones. In what ways could the community be better designed? How would you change it?
In your paper, make sure to cite the course readings and include a detailed bibliography.
Include in your paper a "methodology" section in which you describe how you did your research: how much time did you spend participating? In what ways did you participate? Who did you interview? (Present these portraits anonymized, as we discussed in the the ethics lecture.)
Papers must be handed in on paper; however, you may optionally also chose to prepare an HTML version with links. HTML papers may be linked to the course web page if you wish.
You will be graded on (in order from least important to most):
Prepare a short talk (ten minutes maximum) about your findings. Talks will be delivered in class on 2/8. Class will extend into the evening. If you can't stay past the normal class period, please notify the instructor in advance.