Assignment 4: Game Demo & Talk

CS 4803c: Video Game Design and Programming
Spring 1999

Due on May 26th:

In class on May 26th, you will have ten minutes to demo your game and give a short talk about it. Presentations will continue into the evening, starting at 7 pm. Pizza will be provided.

Attendance at the evening session is mandatory. If you have a legitimate excuse for why you can't make the evening session, please speak to the instructors in advance. Other work due that week is not a legitimate excuse--you were warned about this well in advance, so please plan accordingly.

Technical Setup

Technical setup for your demo MUST be done in advance of the start of class on May 26th. We suggest you setup the day before. TA Scott Lewis will be available to help with setup the evening of May 25th.

Not all graphics cards are alike--you may get radically different performance on a machine you're unfamiliar with. You are encouraged to test your game on the machine in 102 the week before, so there are no suprises. In the past, some teams have chosen to bring their home machines in for the final demo. You may want to consider this option.


You should spend most of your ten minutes on your demo. We suggest you briefly introduce your game and tell us what its main strength is, and then start the demo. You can narrate during the demo and talk a bit more after it. You don't want to talk too much first and risk not having enough time to show your game. In your comments during the demo and in your talk after the demo, things you might want to address include:

If you are part of a large team, make sure that the member who did not present the proposal do the final presentation.


You will be graded on: