Due: January 25, 2009 23:59:59 EST
Please have just one of your
group members submit this assignment. Please include the names of everyone in your group
in the body of the email message.
The assignment is worth 0% of your final grade; however, as noted before, if you don't do it you will have violated a requirement of the project and will suffer greatly for it.
The requirements for the formal proposal are fairly detailed and specific. I would like you to vet your ideas before going through all that trouble.
What to turn in
A one-to-two page description of your proposed project. It must include at a minimum:
Problem description. A concise problem description, including a description of the data sets you will use (if applicable). Make sure you communicate why this project is interesting.
Research goals. A discussion of what the different outcomes might be. In particular tell us how you will know when the project is successful.
You will be asked to do this (and a bit more) again for the full formal proposal later in the term. When you do the formal proposal, it will not be okay to be very abstract, but you are allowed to be a little (not a lot) vague right now. In fact, you are allowed to change your mind quite a bit from now until then. Think of this as an exercise to help you articulate your thinking so that you can seek out meaningful discussion with others (e.g., the faculty advisor you really should seek out).