This page is being updated--readings are subject to change

CS 4670/7467:
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)

Time:TTh 3:00-4:30
Location:CCB 101
Instructor: Amy Bruckman
Office:CoC 255
(Email is best way to reach me.)
Office Hours:Find me after class or email for an appointment
Teaching Assistant: TBD
TA Email:



Online Resources:


Undergraduates must have taken "CS 4660: Educational Technology" (enforced prerequisite).

For graduate students, some background in the area is suggested but not required. The best preparation is "CS 6460: Educational Technology: Conceptual Foundations." Also helpful is "CS 6470: Design of Online Communities."

Honor Code

This class obides by the Georgia Tech honor code.


Your grade will be based on these assignments:
  1. Short paper (~5 pages): Apply theories of collaboration to a real-world learning situation (15%)
  2. Midterm paper (~20 pages): Literature review of research on an existing CSCL system or issue (35%)
  3. Preliminary design for final paper (5%)
  4. Final paper (~20 pages): Design of a CSCL system (30%)
  5. Presentation of final paper (5%)
  6. Class participation (10%)

Course Outline

All readings are subject to change.