Purpose |
To implement an animation based on a combination of motion capture (mocap) data of someone juggling 3 balls and physics-based simulation. To experiment with mocap data, and implement a physics-based simulation that is synchronized with it. This assignment also allows you to implement a more complex retained-mode graphics program. |
Task |
You should write a Java program that uses the JOGGL retained mode library. The program should consist of at least two classes: a jooglMocapGroup class that is a subclass of jooglGroup, and a test program that uses it. You will probably need other classes. An image of what your program might look like is shown here (a movie of this program running is also available). The "jooglMocapGroup" class is a subclass of jooglGroup that takes the filename of a mocap datafile as a parameter to its constructor. The group should create a subgraph that implements the mocap juggler. The origin of the group should be the origin of the mocap coordinate system. The group should contain, in the simple version, a single small white sphere for each mocap point and three balls (one red, one green and one blue) that are juggled by the mocap "hands". The animation should last (T+3) seconds, where T is the time of the mocap animation, and be implemented by:
The test program should add a jooglMocapGroup to a scene consisting of a black and light blue checkerboard floor, such that the mocap juggler appears to be on the floor. The floor should be big enough so that the juggler is always on it. The camera should be out and slightly above the mocap juggler, looking down at the center of the juggler, such that the juggler fills a reasonable amount of the window while allowing the objects to remain within view. The user should be able to rotate the scene around the Y axis by clicking and dragging the mouse left and right, to see the juggler from all sides. A sample data file (take2) is here. A description of the contents of the file is here. In this example, ball 1 starts in the right hand, and balls 0 and 2 start in the left. Your program can assume that all data files start that way. (The video of the take2 mocap session is here; you will notice that he starts with the balls in the opposite hands in the video, but things work out fine. Why?) |
Turn in |
Your submission should consist of a collection of java class files as
described above. The TAs will evaluate it using the test program you provide
with the test2 dataset. They may also use another dataset. Your source
files should be commented with the usual comments.
Your submission MUST be submitted using WebWork, as discussed in class. If you are unsure of how to submit using WebWork, talk to the TAs BEFORE THE ASSIGNMENT IS DUE. IMPORTANT: If the TA has to edit your files to compile your code, you will lose up to 25% of the grade you could have gotten. |
Due date |
This program is due at 9am on Friday November 11th. This means it must be received by 8:59am EDT on Monday to not be considered late. | |
Additional Instructions |
The class files for a working implementation of JOOGL are here. (The source is here.) This implementation adds a jooglCone geometry class, as this will be needed for the optional part of the assignment. Suggestion: you may want to use a manual clock in your program during debugging, to make it easy to step through the frames. |
There are a number of possible extra credit parts of the assignment.