MissionLab v6.0, April 2003 ============================ This software allows the user to configure and execute missions using simulated or real robots that are controlled by reactive control techniques developed at Georgia Institute of Technology. MissionLab v6.0, Copyright 1995 - 1997, 1999 - 2003 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See the file COPYRIGHT for details. The files in this directory are: README - This file (basic information) README.COMPILE - Compilation directions. README.IPT - Information about IPT (the CMU interprocess communication software) COPYRIGHT - A description of the copyright restrictions for this software In the doc directory (PostScript format): mlab_manual.pdf - The user's manual for MissionLab cnl_manual.ps - The CNL user's manual ipt-v6.4_IPTManual.ps - The user's manual for IPT * Note: mlab_manual.pdf is the only manual that has been updated for this release. You may find outdated information in other documents. In the bin directory: mlab - The MissionLab program console program robot, tmr_robot-1998 - A robot program that MissionLab executes to simulate a robotic vehicle. The MissionLab console program (mlab) runs these for you; don't run them yourself. iptserver - A communication name server package from CMU. It must be running before starting mlab. cnl - The configuration network language (CNL) compiler. This is necessary to create libcnl.a and new robot executables. cdl - The configuration description language (CDL) which is used to abstractly describe robot operational and behavioral configurations. cfgedit - The robot configuration editor. It is a graphical editor which generates a CDL description which is then compiled with CDL. hserver - The hardware server. It controls all the robot hardware. cbrserver - The case-based reasoning server, part of the CBR mission- planning wizard. In the demos directory: mars_demos - a sub-directory that contains demos for DARPA's Mobile Autonomous Robot Software Robotics program. tmr_demos - a sub-directory that contains demos for DARPA's Tactical Mobile Robotics program. honda_demos - a sub-directory that contains demos for Honda R&D Behavior-Based Architecture for a Mobile Robot project. draper_demos - a sub-directory that contains demos for C.S. Draper Lab Dynamic, Reactive LOS Communication Pathways Derived from Multiagent Robotic Assets project. usability_demos-2000 - a sub-directory that contains various examples of missions been constructed by CfgEdit for the usability conducted in 2000. mlab-2.0_demos - a sub-directory that contains demos that were included in the MissionLab 2.0 version. usability_demos-1997 - a sub-directory that contains various examples of missions been constructed by CfgEdit for the usability conducted in 1997. Entire unsupported source code of MissionLab can be found in the src directory and its subdirectories. Please address questions to: Prof. Ronald Arkin College of Computing 801 Atlantic Av. Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 arkin@cc.gatech.edu or mlab@cc.gatech.edu