From Thu May 29 18:42:39 1997
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 18:17:42 -0400 (EDT)
 > From: Barry Werger <>
 > Received: (from barry@localhost) by (8.8.4/8.8.3) id DAA04415; Thu, 29 May 1997 03:08:30 -0400 (EDT)
 > Message-Id: <>
 > Subject: [ Find Life: pens and colors] (fwd)
 > To:
 > Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 03:08:30 -0400 (EDT)
 > Cc: (Barry Werger)
 > X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24 PGP2]
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 > Dear Reid and other fellers:
 > 	We are also using a three-color system, and would like to
 > emphasize that the actual selection of the colors is quite important:
 > they should be fluorescent if possible, as distinct from each other as
 > possible, and as distinct from the rest of the environment as
 > possible.
 > 	However, we'd like to have more meaningful markings than just
 > three colors and so suggest the following:
 > Three colors: Black for rocks and danger zones, etc
 > 	      Neon Lime Green for live Martians
 > 	      Hot Pink for Dead Martians
 > And: Pen Doors marked by large cylinders colored with two large
 > stripes of Neon Lime Green or Hot Pink separated by Black.
 > These colors may need to change, depending on lighting and such.
 > Simple patterns of colored stripes I imagine should be good markers
 > for both the color-based and other types of vision systems; though
 > objects that will change orientation (such as squiggle balls and
 > tennis balls) should be solid. We'd be happy to work with any such
 > simple patterns of three nice colors.
 > 	Also: we are considering putting some robots inside the pen to
 > do sorting of the martian stuff. Is it possible that the rules could
 > be adjusted to penalize stuff in the wrong pen at the end of the run
 > rather than penalizing stuff being put in the wrong door? Can the
 > interior pen separation be low (a few cm)?
 > Thanks,
 > Barry
 > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 > Barry Brian Werger                           Interaction Lab
 >                                              Volen Center for Complex Systems
 >                        Department of Computer Science
 >            Brandeis University
 >                                              Waltham, MA 02254
 > --DAB25516.864889759/