From Mon Jun  2 13:54:58 1997
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 13:30:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Ronald Arkin)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re:  Information requested for the Competition invited talk
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO
I neglected to mention that we need this by 6/15 or we cannot
guarantee that we will discuss your entry. 
BTW for those in the exhibition, while time precludes us from
giving a detailed description of your demo,  we would like to mention
your exhibit, so if you can forward me an image of your robot and
a one-line name/description we'll try and fit it in. Thanks! - Ron
 > From arkin Mon Jun  2 11:44:45 1997
 > Received: (from arkin@localhost) by (8.8.4/8.6.9) id LAA24541; Mon, 2 Jun 1997 11:44:40 -0400 (EDT)
 > Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 11:44:40 -0400 (EDT)
 > From: (Ronald Arkin)
 > Message-Id: <>
 > To:
 > Subject: Information requested for the Competition invited talk
 > Cc:,
 > Status: RO
 > This year, we have the opportunity to do some advertising for
 > the competition early on. Jim and I will be giving an invited talk
 > on Tuesday from 2-3 PM on, among other things, what people can
 > expect to see over the next several days of the competition.
 > In that talk, we'd like to include the various approaches that
 > people will be using during the competition and photos of
 > your robots.
 > We'd like to request from each team, for each event, that you
 > provide us with material for a single slide summarizing your
 > approach. I have the abstracts that many of you submitted, but
 > I'd prefer that each of you summarize your work, as you can
 > do it best. I'd also like one or more images to include on 
 > the slide. remember only *one* slide per entry per event.
 > It should include:
 >    approach: brief statement (bullets) of how you are solving the problem
 >    research content: what AI is being used and folks should be able to see
 >    architectural design
 >    robot photograph (in lieu of hardware description) but send Jim and me
 >       a description anyway in text.
 >    any other relevant things that the audience should look out for or 
 >     points that you are trying to make with your entry (intellectual points
 >      not scoring points :-).
 > If you can whip something up in Powerpoint that'd be ideal - but we'll
 > try and handle text submissions as well.
 > This is your chance to educate the audience as to what is really going on - 
 > please help us help you.
 > Send the info to both and
 > Thanks.
 > - Ron
 > ******************************************************
 > Ronald C. Arkin
 > Professor and Director of the Mobile Robot Laboratory
 > College of Computing
 > Georgia Institute of Technology  Phone: (404) 894-8209
 > Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280      Fax:   (404) 894-0957
 >     WWW:
 > ******************************************************